Meituan plans to buy back shares up to $1 billion

On November 29, Meituan announced that since December 1, it plans to buy back the company’s shares with a total amount of no more than 1 billion US dollars.

Meituan believes that the share repurchase demonstrates the company’s confidence in its business outlook and prospects. The board believes that the company’s existing financial resources are sufficient to support the share repurchase while maintaining a sound financial position.

According to Meituan’s latest third quarter results announcement for 2023, the company’s quarterly revenue was 76.50 billion yuan, an increase of 22.1% year-on-year; adjusted profit was 5.73 billion yuan, an increase of 62.4% year-on-year.

Editor, Li Yan

Proofreading, Liu Baoqing

"China Star Jump" helps diving rookie counterattack professional players

Click to watch more video highlights of Star Jump > >

Killer took off handstand.

Xing Aowei takes off.

Gao Hu’s Flying Swallow Action

  Zhejiang Satellite TV’s large-scale charity star diving reality show "China Star Jump", since last week’s transfer to the semi-finals of the master’s tricks, the overall difficulty of the players’ jumping has improved, and the difficulty of the movements has erupted collectively. Especially in Gao Hu and Killer, two "high-platform kings" jumped out of the amazing professional-level movements. Killer took out the difficult movement of 611A handstand and somersaulted forward for half a week in the first jump, and then challenged the highest difficulty 202A of the 10-meter platform since the launch of the diving program, while Gao Hu 302C’s perfect jump of reflexively somersaulted and hugged her knees for one week, which was praised by Olympic champion Li Na, a substitute judge, as "the height that professional athletes can only reach after practicing for one year". This week’s second semi-final is still full of experts, especially Xing Aowei, the Olympic gymnastics champion of cross-border diving, who created a dazzling 720-degree somersault and a 180-degree twist against the sky in the preliminary round. The semi-final will continue to carry forward the spirit of innovation and threatened to "jump the diving action of the next Olympic Games" if he advanced to the final.

  Killer, Xing Aowei and Gao Hu, who are also non-professional divers, have turned from inexperienced diving novices to almost professional ones. Their respective advantages of "being in harmony with the right time and the right people" are prominent, which is an important weight for their successful breakthrough and the secret behind their successful counterattack.

  Location: Gao Hu grew up facing the sea, and his childhood "plunge" warmed up and dived.

  Gao Hu is the "king of the platform" among the contestants. He not only won the 10m platform at the fastest speed in training, but also was the first person in the competition. In addition to the courage and boldness of "being too high to be happy", Gao Hu showed an amazing and perfect swallow in the preliminary round, and the difficulty of the action was also upgraded all the way. Especially in the last semi-final, Gao Hu 302C made a perfect jump by doing a reverse somersault and holding her knees for a week. Even Olympic champion judge Li Na praised this as "the height that professional players can only reach after practicing for one year". He also relied on this difficult and perfect jump to sit firmly on the spot and advance directly to the final without any suspense.

  The reason why Gao Hu achieved such amazing diving attainments in a short time can be said to be due to the "geographical advantage" occupied since childhood. He is a native of Qingdao, and the urban environment surrounded by the sea on three sides gives Gao Hu a unique advantage before diving. According to Gao Hu himself, "I grew up facing the sea, and I have a deep plot about water. My whole family likes swimming very much, so I have been moving freely in the water since I was three or four years old". According to Gao Hu’s recollection, there are many hills and rocks in his hometown near Qingdao. When he was a child, he was bold. He often avoided his parents’ attention with his friends and jumped from the rocks to the water for excitement. Although the equipment was rudimentary and there was no technical content, his childhood experience was similar to that of today’s diving, especially because he learned Gao Hu’s boldness. It is no wonder that he was able to walk calmly on the 10-meter platform on the first day of training. He once said that "I am not afraid of heights at all and like to challenge the limits." Gao Hu, who has excellent water quality, also revealed that he had passed the diving certificate when he traveled to Palau.

  In addition, Gao Hu is also a sportsman. He likes to play volleyball since he was a child. He is the leader of the school volleyball team. He has participated in many municipal competitions with the team, and volleyball has also trained Gao Hu’s good arm strength.

  Timing: Killer was born with good gene dance skills and was born with boldness.

  Killer has been called "Zhang Dadan" since she entered the competition. In the preliminary competition, she was the first woman on the 10m platform, which was as famous as Gao Hu. In the semi-finals, she was even more powerful, with two consecutive jumps. The first jump of 611A turned upside down for half a week, becoming the first woman to use platform handstand, while the second jump of 202A turned backwards for a week, which was the highest difficulty since the diving program was launched.

  The reason why Killer dives so well can be said that she won at the starting line because of her favorable weather and natural genes. Killer’s mother is a dance teacher, and her innate motor genes, coupled with the super-high physical flexibility of practicing dance since childhood, give her obvious advantages in diving. In addition, Killer, who is bold by nature, also said that he was particularly love the water and liked swimming since childhood. This boldness surprised everyone when Killer walked into the diving hall for the first time, and immediately won the 10m platform, giving the competitors a modest "duel". In a daily training, the diving hall was suddenly cut off due to an accident, and it was suddenly plunged into darkness. At that time, the staff and players present, especially the girls, screamed with fear and scrambled to climb ashore from the water. At that time, Killer, who was on the shore, jumped into the water and swam in the dark diving hall, exclaiming that "such an opportunity is too rare, swimming in the dark is very exciting", which attracted Gao Hu present to be outdone and jumped into the water.

  People and Peace: Coach Xing Aowei and the judges all found that small gymnastics and diving are connected.

  As the Olympic champion of gymnastics, Xing Aowei still can’t hide the champion’s potential in cross-border diving. In addition to his amazing jump in the preliminary round, he let the audience see the high platform handstand for the first time, and even created a dazzling "anti-heaven" action in the second jump: 720-degree somersault and 180-degree turn, which caused a full house of applause. This action is even more created by Xing Aowei. In the semi-finals, he said that he would continue to carry forward the spirit of innovation, and he confidently threatened to "jump the diving action of the next Olympic Games" if he could advance to the final.

  Xing Aowei has the highest starting line among all the players. As a gymnast of the national gymnastics team and an Olympic gold medal champion, he stood out among all the players from the first day of training. The national diving team and the gymnastics team are veritable neighbors. They used to practice in the same training hall. Therefore, many national diving team members and Xing Aowei have been good friends since childhood, including Li Na, the world diving champion who is the coach in this competition. Therefore, Xing Aowei has no pressure and a sense of formality in the training process. Although gymnastics and diving are two completely different sports, they have a lot in common, especially turning and tumbling, which is why Li Xiaopeng of Prince of gymnastics was specially invited to the jury, and Li Xiaopeng’s position was to comment on diving from a semi-professional perspective. Xing Aowei and Li Xiaopeng are both Olympic champions. Since Li Xiaopeng can be a judge, it can be seen that Xing Aowei’s starting line is high, and their teammates, especially good brothers, let him score in the judges’ scoring.

  Pay more attention to "China Star Jump" official website:


Xi’an illegal online car-hailing platform was removed from the shelves, in the end who will supervise the navigation software aggregation taxi function?

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  Western Network News (reporter, Liu Wang) Do you dare to take a ride on an online car without the approval of the competent authorities? Recently, a navigation software removed a number of unapproved online car-hailing platforms in Xi’an overnight. Why were these online car-hailing platforms removed? Western Network reporters conducted an investigation.

  Several ride-hailing platforms were removed from the Autonavi aggregation page

  Is it difficult to take a taxi during peak hours? Use the Autonavi map to take a taxi. You can call multiple online car-hailing platforms with one click, but in the past two days, many friends who are used to taking a taxi through navigation software have found that the original taxi aggregation page, "Sunshine Travel", "Proper E Line", "Timely Car Use", "An’an Car Use", "Ctrip Car Use", "AA Travel" and other online car-hailing platforms have disappeared. What remains are the four online car-hailing platforms that have obtained the online car-hailing license in Xi’an.

  Several drivers who had registered on these online ride-hailing platforms told reporters that the online ride-hailing driver port they used issued a notice to them. The notice said that in order to cooperate with the work of Xi’an city regulators, the Xi’an navigation software taxi business was offline from the evening of October 11. Later, the reporter called the Autonavi map taxi line, and the operator told the reporter that the reason why these online ride-hailing cars could not be found was because "there are no cars nearby."

  Some travel platforms such as "Sunshine Travel" confirmed to the Western Network reporter that on the Autonavi map, the entire Xi’an city does not have its own brand of online car-hailing. The competent authority confirmed to the Western Network reporter that Xi’an has indeed requested the removal of online car-hailing platforms that have not obtained service licenses.

  Drivers are not happy, passengers complain service can not keep up

  The way navigation software aggregates illegal online car-hailing platforms has long caused dissatisfaction among some legal online car-hailing drivers in Xi’an. A driver, Master Chen, complained to the Western Network reporter that he spent time participating in the training of online car-hailing drivers and paid a high price to buy vehicles that meet safety standards before obtaining the qualification for quasi-transportation. Drivers of these illegal platforms do not need it. In essence, this is an infringement of illegal operations on legitimate operations.

  In addition to drivers in the same industry, the "taxi-hailing" aggregation taxi platform has also been dissatisfied by passengers. According to local media reports, Ms. Chu, a resident of Xi’an, had such an experience. "After calling a car, the car experience is not very good. The in-car environment and driver service can’t keep up." Ms. Chu said that she used the Autonavi map ride-hailing function to call a BYD car through an unnamed online ride-hailing platform. The environment and hygiene in the car are not good, and the driver service is not very professional.

  Map navigation software aggregation network car-hailing platform, who should supervise it?

  In fact, there are already signs that the navigation software has been removed from the shelves of many online car-hailing entrances in Xi’an. On June 20 this year, Autonavi Map was "discussed" by the management department because the freight of the cruise car was much higher than the freight of the online car-hailing car, and the unauthorized online car-hailing platform was listed on the shelves. The management department asked Autonavi Group to immediately correct the wrong freight information of the cruise car and immediately remove the unauthorized online car-hailing platform. The relevant person in charge of Autonavi Group also promised to remove the unauthorized online car-hailing platform.

  And people familiar with the matter also revealed that the reason why they "discussed" with Autonavi maps instead of "interviewing" is precisely because the behavior of Autonavi map aggregation network car-hailing is difficult to characterize. In our country, the main responsibility for safe production is borne by enterprises, and the online car-hailing platform is responsible for passengers. Autonavi maps provide the entrance to illegal online car-hailing platforms. In the event of an unsafe accident, does Autonavi map also need to be held responsible? If it needs to be held responsible, is it administrative law enforcement by the surveying and mapping department or the transportation department? On these two issues, there are still legal gaps in local supervision.

  Reporters found that although the aggregation page of Autonavi maps removed these unapproved online car-hailing platforms, Baidu maps and Ctrip trips can still be searched for online car-hailing platforms such as "Sunshine Travel" and "Ctrip Travel" that have not been approved by the competent authorities.

2021 Chengdu Auto Show opened; The performance of independent brands is bright.

Traffic information is broadcast every day, and at twelve o’clock in traffic, you can sort out the traffic and car information you need every day to protect your safe travel. Today’s main traffic information includes: Several Opinions on Promoting the Modernization Reform of Civil Aviation Statistics issued by the Civil Aviation Administration, blood donation organized by Shihuang Branch to help volunteer service, and the upgrade package of "5G Dana Intelligent Music Cockpit" added by Han EV flagship … Let’s learn about today’s traffic and automobile events!

First, traffic hotspots

The Civil Aviation Administration issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Modernization Reform of Civil Aviation Statistics"

Recently, the Civil Aviation Administration issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Modernization Reform of Civil Aviation Statistics". The development goal put forward is that by 2025, a modern civil aviation statistical system will be initially formed, the statistical investigation system will be more sound, the statistical methods and means will be more scientific, the statistical analysis services will be better, and the statistical system and mechanism will be more perfect. Looking forward to 2035, the modern civil aviation statistical system will be fully established, and the modernization of civil aviation statistical investigation system, methods and means, analysis service and governance capacity will be basically realized.

Second, Hebei Expressway Express

August 30 [Hebei Expressway Road Conditions] Today, the weather turned cloudy to thunderstorms. Shijiazhuang City, Handan City, Langfang City, Tangshan City, Cangzhou City, Qinhuangdao City, Baoding City, Dingzhou City: the limit number is 1 and 6. Beijing: Limit the tail numbers 1 and 6. (The measures to limit the number of counties and cities under the jurisdiction of restricted cities shall be subject to the release of the local traffic control department. )

Huangshi Expressway (G1811): Shitai section of Qingyin/Huangshi Expressway: The underpass of Nanxincheng Station was closed in both directions due to the construction at K318+233 to K318+700.

Taihang Mountain Expressway (S75): Xing-Han section of Taihang Mountain Expressway: Due to the heavy traffic, the two-way vehicles at K44+293 on the upper crossing of Xingtai West Station slowly pass for about 1km.

Shihuang Branch: Organize voluntary blood donation to help volunteer service.

Shihuang Branch combined voluntary service with the activity of "I do practical things for the masses", and organized the staff of headquarters and grass-roots units to carry out voluntary blood donation activities in sections in late August.

Before blood donation, the branch company made careful arrangements, actively publicized and created an atmosphere, initiated blood donation initiatives to employees, and informed them of blood donation instructions. When donating blood, everyone strictly follows the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control and unpaid blood donation. Under the guidance of blood station staff, check the health code itinerary, registration information, physical examination, blood test and blood donation, and the well is orderly and orderly. A total of 62 people in the branch signed up for blood donation activities, and 39 people donated blood successfully, donating a total of 12,600 ml of blood, which contributed to the society.

It is reported that since the blood donation activity was launched in 2016, Shihuang Branch has always adhered to the concept of "dedication and service" and organized more than 400 blood donations, which fully demonstrated the spirit of the branch as a "provincial civilized unit".

Third, traffic control traffic police

Traffic Police: bike-sharing enterprises express their condolences to the frontline traffic police and work together to build civilized traffic.

On the afternoon of August 26th, organized by China Communications Broadcasting Hebei Frequency FM101.2, representatives of Shijiazhuang Branch of Hellobike came to the traffic police squadrons in all districts of the provincial capital with caring materials to pay tribute to the traffic police comrades who have been struggling in the front line to maintain the traffic order in the provincial capital, thanking them for their hard work in traffic construction in the provincial capital, and hoping to actively undertake corporate social responsibility and create a more orderly, healthy and green travel environment for the provincial capital citizens by continuing to join hands with the traffic police on duty.


Hellobike donated 120 sets of daily necessities and 4,000 medical epidemic prevention surgical masks to squadrons in Qiaoxi, Xinhua, Yuhua and Chang ‘an. Zhu Lingling, the administrative manager of Hellobike Shijiazhuang Branch, said, "We are well aware of the hardships of front-line traffic police on duty, and thank them for sticking to their posts all the time. I hope that the materials sent can represent the concern and gratitude of all employees in Harbin to the provincial traffic police, and I also hope that they will not forget to take care of themselves when working."

Fourth, industry focus

Han EV flagship push "5G Dana Intelligent Music Cockpit" upgrade package

On August 29th, 2021, BYD brought DiLink4.0(5G) and the "5G Dana Intelligent Music Cockpit" upgrade package for the flagship of Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version, which was officially listed at Chengdu Auto Show. The upgrade package of "5G Dana Intelligent Music Cockpit" includes four major upgrades: 5G Quick Link, HiFi customized Dana Audio, DiLink4.0(5G) and dual-frequency positioning navigation technology, and the price is 18,000 yuan. Before December 31st, users who purchase the flagship model of Han EV will be offered an upgrade package for a limited time of only 8,000 yuan, and will be given a 5G VIP listening package.

As the flagship car of China New Energy, BYD Han adheres to the concept of "customer first", constantly explores a new realm of intelligent luxury with leading technology, and continuously refreshes the user experience through functional iteration and configuration upgrade. The upgrade package of "5G Dynabar Intelligent Music Cockpit" is fully upgraded in communication technology, car audio, human-computer interaction and navigation technology, which will bring users a more intelligent and luxurious high-end experience and let users enjoy the most fashionable and fashionable smart car life.

The pre-sale is 102,900-140,900 yuan, and the Jietu X90 PLUS Chengdu Auto Show opens for pre-sale.

On August 29th, 2021, Chengdu Auto Show was grandly opened. Jetway Auto made its debut as an independent brand in the four domestic A-class auto shows, and launched the pre-sale of Jetway X90PLUS on the first day of the auto show, with a pre-sale price of 102,900-140,900 yuan.

At this auto show, Jietu X90 PLUS brought two power versions of 1.5T and 1.6TGDI, covering five models of houses, mansions, courtyards, villas and manors. From the name, we can see the intention of Jietu X90 PLUS in creating space and comfort.

Changan Auchan X7PLUS pre-sold 7.99-135,900 yuan and pushed 7 times as a popular gift.

On August 27th, Changan Auchan X7PLUS officially opened the global pre-sale, with an official pre-sale price of 79,900-135,900 yuan. The new car comes standard with a new generation of Blue Whale NE series engines, and there are 9 models with 1.5T+6MT and 1.5T+7DCT power combinations, as well as up to 6 body colors for users to choose from. Together with the pre-sale price, there is also the customer’s car booking rights of "7-fold popular gifts", which brings an ultra-high-value car buying experience far beyond users’ expectations.

As the first flagship PLUS model of Auchan Automobile, Changan Auchan X7PLUS has achieved advanced strength in five aspects: power, intelligence, face value, space and quality, and redefined the best choice of "150,000-class SUV" with the high-value configuration of "five leading industries, five leading peers, five pioneering industries and five standard systems".

57 leapfrog configurations, listed in Shijiazhuang, the 4th generation Emgrand of Geely.

On August 28th, "Emgrand, Walk with the Upward" Geely’s 4th generation Emgrand BMA champion car was officially launched in Shijiazhuang. This new car has launched four models with 1.5L-5MT and 1.5L-8CVT, and the official guide price is 69,900-88,900 yuan.

As the first car of Emgrand family born in BMA architecture, the 4th generation Emgrand has more beautiful body, more space, better comfort, more stable handling, higher quality and stronger technology, and it is advanced in all dimensions in terms of modeling, space, power, quality, technology and safety. The new car is equipped with 13 first configurations of the same class, 16 unique configurations of the same class and 28 leading configurations of the same class. It can be called a car with the highest quality-price ratio and the strongest sense of science and technology of 60,000-80,000 yuan.

Chaodong Rongcheng Great Wall Motor bombed the 2021 Chengdu Auto Show with five brands.

On August 29th, the 24th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition officially opened. Great Wall Motor’s five vehicle brands, Haval, Tank, Wei Brand, Euler and Great Wall pickup truck, were assembled and debuted, and 12 new models were unveiled, demonstrating the new strength of global technology travel companies.

At the auto show, the booth of Great Wall Motor was bursting with popularity, and the users of the exhibition were bustling, moving Rongcheng with boiling posture.

Five, enjoy the book-today’s good book recommendation: "Wind and rain" edited by Liu Jianhui

Content introduction:This book closely follows the theme of seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times. From the perspective of the the Communist Party of China (CPC) Party Congress, it reviews and summarizes the glorious history and fine style of the Party, explores the reasons for the continuous development and growth of the Party, summarizes the valuable ruling experience accumulated by the Party for a long time, and focuses on the important significance of the previous party congresses in the political, economic and social development of China, as well as the international and domestic background and the influence on the historical process of China, highlighting the status and role of the previous party congresses.

Ask the world M7 half a year sales over 100,000 units: pressure ideal L7 won China’s new power sales crown

Fast Technology News on June 18, the latest data released by Qjie Automobile shows that,From January 1st to June 16th, the new M7 sold 100,900 units, topping the top 1 sales list of new power models in the Chinese market.Become the first new power model to exceed 100,000 sales in 2024.

The recently released 2024 China New Power Model Sales List includes statistics on the sales of new power models from January to June this year.

The list shows that as of June 9,The annual cumulative sales of the new M7 series models have reached 96,500 units, and the cliff-type leading ideal L7, polar krypton 001 and other new power models have won the first half of 2024 China’s new power sales crown.

Ask the world M7 half a year sales over 100,000 units: pressure ideal L7 won China's new power sales crown

At the same time, the newly upgraded "National SUV" asked Jiexin M7 Ultra, with deliveries exceeding 4,349 units in the first week of listing, setting a new power model delivery record in China.

Other models in the list, the ideal L7 ranked second with 56,600 vehicles; the polar krypton 001 ranked third for 42,000 vehicles.

This is also equivalent to,The sales of the new M7 in the world have almost reached the sum of the second and third place, indicating the leading advantage of the new M7 in the world.

It is reported that the new M7 Ultra was launched on May 31, with a total of four models, priced at 28.98-32 9,800 yuan.

The new car is equipped with Huawei’s latest 192-line lidar (the same model as the M9) as standard, which is currently the highest number of line lidar in mass production. With Huawei’s mature ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving, there are few competitors in the same level of intelligent driving experience.

And ask the new M7 Ultra’s 35,000 yuan limited-time car purchase rights will end on June 30. It is expected that by the end of June, the order volume of the new M7 will have a big outbreak.

Ask the world M7 half a year sales over 100,000 units: pressure ideal L7 won China's new power sales crown