It’s really not a little bit that mobile phones are harmful to health.

  How far is it from playing mobile phone every day to illness? Recently, a reporter from qianjiang evening news learned from the hospital that there is a 30-year-old clerk in Hangzhou who deals with computers, keyboards and mice every day, and likes to play with mobile phones during the spare time. As a result, his hands are numb enough to require surgery. Psychologists also warned mobile phone owners that if they keep looking at their mobile phones while shopping, they will spend more money. If you let your mobile phone sleep with you, it will do more harm to your health.

  Keyboard and mobile phone play too much.

  In addition to hand numbness, muscle atrophy will occur.

  Zhou Qi (a pseudonym), 30, keeps her hands on the keyboard at work and keeps brushing her mobile phone at rest. She also has a habit of sleeping on her desk with her hands on her pillow during lunch break. It seems that most people’s living habits have damaged her ulnar nerve. It shows that the right hand is numb and tingling, and it takes a long time to straighten your arm to recover. Even the buttons are awkward, and you can’t even carry chopsticks when eating … … After a series of examinations such as electromyography, Zhou Qi was diagnosed as "cubital tunnel syndrome".

  The ulnar nerve in medicine is what we usually call "numbness". It is one of the three main meridians on the arm. It starts from the cervical vertebra, passes through the elbow joint, sticks to the inside of the arm and goes down all the way to our ring finger and little finger. It is of great significance to our daily life, and the fine movements of our fingers, such as buttoning, holding chopsticks and holding a pen, can not be achieved without the contribution of ulnar nerve.

  Frequent elbow flexion and other actions will cause ulnar nerve compression, leading to "cubital tunnel syndrome", which will affect the function of fingers and palms. When the sensory function of ulnar nerve is affected, there will be symptoms of numbness of fingers or palms, and when its motor function is also affected, there will be phenomena such as weakness of fingers or muscles. If it is affected for a long time, it will easily cause muscle atrophy and even cause serious irreversible consequences.

  Use the keyboard and mouse for a long time, bend your elbows for a long time, or sleep on your desk, etc. Some people have cubital tunnel syndrome due to playing mahjong for several days, and office workers and surgeons are all high-risk groups. In order to completely cure the symptoms, Zhou Qi had to undergo surgery.

  The doctor reminded that to prevent such diseases, one is: rest.

  If you repeat an activity, whether it is typing, using the mouse or anything else, it is recommended to take a short break every 10 to 15 minutes to rest your elbow and wrist. During this period, you can stretch and exercise these two parts.

  Second, keep a good working posture.

  Adjust the height of the seat to keep the forearm as high as the keyboard. When using the keyboard, there should be no feeling of outward expansion and drooping, so that the elbows and wrists are in a relatively relaxed state.

  The third is: always be vigilant. Once there is numbness and discomfort in the finger, and it is a constant and persistent feeling, you must not ignore it easily. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible for professional judgment and exclusion.

  Play mobile phone while walking.

  Shopping is more expensive.

  A new study by American scientists shows that if you play with your mobile phone while shopping, it will not only increase the risk of hitting obstacles, but also make people spend a lot of money unconsciously.

  The research team of Fairfield University asked 231 participants to complete a simulated shopping task. One group of participants restrained themselves from taking out their mobile phones and only paid attention to the goods, while the other group randomly used their mobile phones intermittently for unrelated tasks (such as answering phones, sending and receiving text messages, listening to music, etc.). Both groups of participants used to shop according to a shopping list provided by the researchers, but the results showed that people who used their mobile phones occasionally or constantly in the store made far more unplanned purchases than those who concentrated on shopping.

  The researchers pointed out that when shopping, people may forget what goods they need most when they are distracted, but they will be attracted by the dazzling array of other goods in the store and take them into their pockets without thinking. Even if you only use your mobile phone occasionally during shopping, it will have this effect, which will lead to additional expenses. Therefore, we should concentrate on saving money when shopping.

  Wang Yiquan, an expert in early intervention of psychological problems in Hangzhou No.7 Hospital, said: "From the perspective of behavior patterns, those who rely heavily on mobile phones have poor self-control ability, and they are easily influenced by external information such as price reduction and new product listing when shopping, resulting in more impulsive consumption. From the analysis of emotional influence, the information from the mobile phone will affect the mood of shoppers, and these emotions may stimulate impulsive consumption whether positive or negative. Seeing good news, buy something to reward yourself or your family; When you see bad news, you should buy something to comfort yourself and decompress. For example, people often joke that ‘ Bao ’ Treating all diseases is the most vivid explanation of the influence of emotions on shopping. "

  We have to admit that consumption is indeed a good way to vent and quickly adjust emotions, but only if it is moderate. If it is inappropriate or even unreasonable consumption beyond one’s own ability to pay, one must be alert to whether there are psychological problems.

  In fact, in life, it is easy to understand the difference between men and women’s shopping habits. For most men, shopping is a kind of "torture". They often think about where to buy something, go straight to the destination and buy it, and then leave. They rarely pay attention to what other stores are selling along the way, and naturally they will not have unplanned consumption. Women tend to take shopping as a kind of "leisure", walk around, shop around, stop and watch more, and the temptation is more likely to lead to many unplanned consumption.

  Sleeping with your mobile phone is harmful to your eyes.

  Playing mobile phone for a long time at night often leads to sore eyes, sharp drop in vision, deepening myopia, and even dry eye. Once, because of playing mobile phone games for a long time, the function of meibomian gland was worse than that of the elderly.

  Everyone’s two eyes have a dominant eye and a non-dominant eye. Under normal circumstances, under the control of the brain, the eyes of both eyes are even, but after lying on the side, one eye has to shoulder a heavier eye task. Over time, if the balance is broken, the vision will be inconsistent between the left and right eyes.

  Sleeping with mobile phone is harmful to cervical health

  "Cervical arch inversion" is the most common pathological basis of cervical diseases. High pillow can make the head bend forward and increase the stress of the lower cervical vertebra, which may accelerate the degeneration of cervical vertebra. However, bad living habits such as lying on a high back and watching TV, surfing the Internet for a long time, lying down and playing with a mobile phone, and pulling the cervical vertebra for a long time will also lead to the curve lordosis decreasing, straightening and even bending back.

  Sleeping with mobile phone affects sleep quality.

  Adequate sleep is a necessary guarantee for a healthy life. When playing mobile phone, the production of melatonin (secreted by pituitary gland, which directly affects the quality of sleep) will be reduced, which will lead to less sleep and even inability to sleep. I believe those who play mobile phones until midnight or even later have a profound experience — — I’m not sleepy at all. I don’t want to sleep.

  Sleeping with mobile phones affects family harmony.

  Young people, once they have cell phone sleepiness, are not in a hurry to find a partner. They think that cell phones are so fun and have everything in them. Why do they need to find a partner? Parents look at the older single children, but they really hate the dead mobile phone. After three days, they cursed, "I know how to play mobile phones every day. Everyone else has grandchildren, so you will give me a mobile phone?"

In-depth experience BYD Yunqi family redefines body control with technology.

  As the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy, Yunqi has been receiving much attention since its release in April. Nowadays, the cloud system has been gradually installed on various models of BYD, allowing more users to experience the power of cloud technology. The cloud system was developed by BYD, which made BYD the first enterprise to master the 3-way 6-degree-of-freedom body control technology. BYD’s first product matrix of Yunqi, which currently includes Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A, Yunqi -P and other products, can greatly enhance our driving experience in many aspects such as comfort, handling, safety and off-road.

  It is luxurious to carry, and Yunnian -C creates a new experience of driving and leaping forward.

  Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system can realize rapid and continuous variable adjustment of damping through thousands of signal inputs per second. At the same time, with the cloud algorithm, the optimal damping control scheme can be output in real time to meet the needs of users in different scenarios.

  During the test drive of Han DM-p Ares Edition, it can be clearly felt that Yunqi -C makes the chassis "hard" by adjusting the damping, which provides greater support for the body and makes the driving and handling feeling of the whole vehicle more stable. At the same time, in the face of bumpy road conditions such as speed bumps and gravel roads, Yunxiao -C can make the chassis "soft", effectively buffering the impact of the road surface on the whole vehicle and greatly improving driving comfort. Whether it is a test of the sense of control or an experience of comfort, Yunqi -C’s performance is amazing.

  Exercise and comfort are perfectly compatible, and Yunnian -A sets a new benchmark for luxury and comfort.

  Yunqi -A intelligent air body control system can give consideration to both driving maneuverability and comfort, and at the same time, output precise control strategies through Yunqi Intelligent Computing Center to realize dynamic adjustment of vehicle stiffness, height and damping, and bring more detailed and diversified control to the whole vehicle.

  In the process of experiencing Tengshi N7 equipped with the standard version of Yunqi -A, the most intuitive feeling is convenience, comfort and luxury. It can realize the functions of welcoming guests and taking things conveniently by adjusting the height, which makes it more convenient for us to get on and off the bus and move things in our daily life. In case of sudden acceleration or sudden braking during driving, the iCCT intelligent comfort control technology carried by Yunqi -A can achieve stronger anti-pitching ability, effectively restrain the vehicle from raising its head and nodding, and greatly reduce the discomfort of the passengers.

  However, when faced with the scene of high-speed steering such as Panshan Highway, Yunqi -A can not only restrain the roll of the car body, but also integrate suspension, braking and driving through iCVC intelligent vector control technology. Even in the face of the difficult continuous mountain curve, it can easily enter and exit the curve with a very steady posture, and it is handy to control. With the help of iADC intelligent drift control system, drift is no longer the exclusive skill of "high-level players", and even ordinary people can enjoy drift with one click. Yunqi -A has achieved a perfect integration between luxury driving and interesting handling, and the overall experience is impressive.

  Let cross-country have no threshold, and Yunqi -P brings subversive experience.

  Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system integrates three core technologies of machinery, hydraulics and electronic control to fully meet the off-road needs of users. Yunqi -P can adjust the height, damping and stiffness. When driving U8 in mountain road, you can obviously feel that the road vibration is filtered completely, and the support is also in place in the corner. It is not like the traditional hard-core SUV, and there will be no many small vibrations. For Yunnian -P, this kind of comfort experience on unpaved pavement is unprecedented.

  Looking up at U8 and Equation Leopard 5 under the blessing of Yunnian -P can not only realize the long suspension adjustment stroke, but also have the "hidden function" ultra-high and ultra-low mode. Therefore, even a behemoth like U8 can "hold the bottom" in extreme off-road conditions and "touch the head" in the urban restricted highland basement. At the same time, Yunqi -P with strong off-road performance has also added intelligent genes. The four-wheel linkage function can intelligently distribute the oil pressure through the central control cylinder, so that the four wheels can keep touching the ground at all times, which greatly improves the off-road passability. When parking in the wild, you can also keep the vehicle absolutely level by camping leveling function, so that the rest in the car will no longer be disturbed by terrain. It can be said that Yunqi -P greatly lowered the cross-country threshold, allowing Xiaobai to cross-country easily, bringing unprecedented experience to drivers and passengers.

  BYD leads the industry with cloud technology.

  Most importantly, Yunqi started from the systematic control of the vertical direction of the whole vehicle, and realized the safety of the whole vehicle. On the one hand, it can greatly reduce the risk of vehicle rollover and increase the safety of passengers by restraining the change of body posture; On the other hand, the cloud system can adjust the posture of the car body at any time through 3-to-6-degree-of-freedom fusion control under complex road conditions such as snow, mud and water. The cloud chariot system can not only effectively protect the safety of passengers, but also effectively protect the car body, and truly realize the dual protection of people and cars.

  In the future, BYD will also launch Yunqi -X, which represents the highest level of the global body control system. At the press conference, BYD had already demonstrated the power of Yunqi -X by looking up to U9 for dancing and three-wheeled driving. Recently, Porsche Active Ride, the new hydraulic active suspension system of Porsche’s third generation Paramera, has also earned enough attention in the form of "dancing". Different from Porsche, BYD Yunqi -X is more advanced in system design ideas and realizable functions through innovative new energy architecture. This also proves that BYD has been at the forefront of the industry in the field of body control, and will continue to lead the development direction of the industry with forward-looking technical layout.

  Through the experience of the whole family of Yunqi, we can clearly feel the overall improvement of the comfort, handling and off-road performance of Yunqi. There is no doubt that Yunqi is a super technology with the ultimate experience and safety. As BYD’s cutting-edge black technology, Yunqi’s birth not only fills the gap in the field of domestic body control technology, but also enables more domestic users to experience the high-end driving and control experience, and further realizes the technological transcendence of established western car companies and promotes the world’s automobile technology to a new height.

250,000 ~ 320,000 yuan, Huawei’s intelligent selection of AITO asked M5 officially released: the design concept of one million luxury cars, performance, endurance and environmental protection. …

On December 23rd, Chongqing Jin Kang Sailis announced that it had jointly launched a high-end smart car brand AITO (Chinese name: Aotu), which is a new high-end new energy brand that Huawei has chosen new products and cooperated with car companies. slogan is "A journey of thousands of miles begins with AITO"!


At today’s new product launch conference of Huawei in winter, AITO’s first model, AITO Wenjie M5, was officially launched, with a mid-to-high-end positioning, belonging to an intelligent luxury electric drive SUV (medium-sized), which was built by major teams such as Huawei’s consumer business, including system software, industrial design, engineering technology, ecology, etc., with high autonomy.



In addition, HUAWEI has specially provided Huawei’s household charging piles for new cars, which are genuine Huawei car accessories to help solve the anxiety of users.

The IT House learned that "Huawei only makes parts and does not build cars, but helps enterprises build good cars".

Yu Chengdong said that this model is far superior to other brands in terms of performance, handling and intelligent experience.

Huawei also brought its simple and ultimate industrial design concept to this car. The exterior is luxurious and compact, and the interior is spacious and comfortable, which not only allows everyone to enjoy the convenience of parking and turning around easily in the city, but also allows the main driver and passengers to have a comfortable experience even during the long journey.

With the help of the industrial concept of Huawei team, this car has achieved a simple and extreme design. First, it is equipped with an intelligent cockpit. The AITO M5 can seamlessly flow with other intelligent terminals, completely breaking through the barriers between "people, cars and homes".


In terms of software, the M5 interface of AITO Interface provides advanced sense and intelligent functions, which "surpasses all models and car enterprises", such as L2+intelligent driving assistance, HarmonyOS intelligent split screen, one-button flow, NFC Bluetooth sensorless car key of Huawei watch, 3D face recognition, automatic login to Huawei account, automatic switching of driving information, schedule, real-time updating of car navigation map, intelligent sound source perception in multi-tone area, offline voice assistant, real-time detection of fatigue state by computational vision, etc.



Huawei said that with powerful computing power and operating system, through continuous AI learning optimization and OTA upgrade, HarmonyOS Auto can meet consumers’ demand for intelligent, scene-based and personalized experience upgrade.

IT House understands that AITO Wenjie M5 has six paint colors: ceramic white, pine frost green, ice crystal gray, gold-plated black, mi navy blue and azure blue, and three interior colors: ivory white, extreme night black and agate brown, which can be freely matched.


According to Yu Chengdong, Huawei designed it according to the quality and interior requirements of millions of luxury cars, which exceeded the driving sense of 500-100 million yuan. The interior space was comparable to that of a large SUV, and the cockpit was surrounded in one piece, which perfectly interpreted the experience of "advanced feeling", "simplicity" and "immersion".

Huawei live screenshot

In terms of power, AITO Wujie M5 adopts front double wishbone independent suspension (anti-roll), rear multi-link independent suspension (stable), all-aluminum chassis (weight -30%), and is equipped with Huawei’s own DriveOne pure electric drive range-extending platform, which has fast acceleration, long battery life and can be powered by electricity and oil.

It is equipped with 1.5T four-cylinder range extender 3.0, asynchronous AC motor and permanent magnet synchronous motor. The peak power of intelligent four-wheel drive flagship version is 365kW(675N?m), and the performance version of four-wheel drive is 315kW. Its performance is superior, and its endurance exceeds that of Porsche, BMW X3, Mercedes-Benz GLC, Audi Q5L, Tesla Model Y and many other luxury cars, with the highest compression ratio of 15:1, ultra-high thermal efficiency of 41% and 3.


According to Yu Chengdong, this model also has extreme cornering performance, which is stronger than McLaren. In terms of acceleration, it can also achieve acceleration of 4.4 seconds at zero speed and 1.9 seconds at 0-50km/h, and its performance can crush many fuel vehicles and surpass many pure trams.

Advanced precision oil cooling technology is also adopted in AITO Interface M5, which reduces the average peak temperature of winding by 30℃ and the peak temperature of magnetic steel by 15℃.

This model can store 40 kWh of electricity, and has a matching "Huawei Household Charging Pile", which supports fast charging (45 minutes can make the power from 20% to 80%, and 5 hours of slow charging can make the power from 20% to 80%), and of course it can also generate electricity from gasoline (56L fuel tank), and it can also output 3500W(220V) AC power to the outside world. Super fast charging charging charging charging treasure, four-wheel drive flagship version 110.

It is reported that the interior car of AITO’s M5 is a 15.9-inch 2K HDR screen, with 90% screen ratio, 128-color RGB atmosphere lights and seamless panoramic canopy.

In addition, this model also has built-in Huawei Sound’s top luxury audio system and a car audio with a peak of 1200 watts. It is worth mentioning that Huawei also has a high-quality cockpit music experience, providing a 10-million-level music library and a high-quality music area for Huawei music, and supporting the playback of lossless music with 5.1 channels and 7.1 channels.


In other aspects, AITO Wujie M5 comes with its own fragrance system, which claims to have the fastest charging in the car, 66W wired fast charging and 40W wireless fast charging, with five charging interfaces of 1A4C, as well as the advanced crystal diamond handle, the co-pilot’s "Queen’s fill lens", center speaker, 19-unit vocal design, ventilated heating massage seat, Napa leather, HUD head-up display function and so on.

Finally, AITO M5 also provides Huawei Card Owner’s Courtesy Edition, covering the whole life cycle from car purchase to car use, providing preferential installment service and rich owner’s rights and interests. With the owner card of Huawei Card, you can enjoy the owner’s rights and services. In Huawei wallet App, car owners can quickly apply for cards, handle car staging, enjoy cash back and driver accident insurance on the whole line, and create a variety of smart car scenes.


Yi tu zhi

Jiaxing Tang new energy price cuts hit! The reserve price is 179,800 yuan, which is a great benefit today.

The model is being promoted in Jiaxing, with a maximum discount of 80,000 yuan! The minimum starting price is 179,800 yuan. If you are interested in this model, you can click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount. As a plug-in hybrid vehicle, Tangxin Energy not only has excellent fuel economy and environmental protection performance, but also has excellent driving performance and comfort, so it is a popular choice in the new energy vehicle market. Now is a good time to buy a car. Come to Jiaxing and enjoy the discount of Tang New Energy!

Tang New Energy is a luxury SUV with an atmospheric and steady overall style. Its front face design adopts BYD’s family-style "dragon face" design language, and the air intake grille is decorated with large chrome, which gives people a strong visual impact. The body lines are smooth and concise, and the overall shape is fashionable and dynamic. In addition, Tang New Energy also adopts LED headlight group, which not only improves the lighting effect, but also increases the recognition of vehicles. The side of the car body adopts a smooth waistline, which runs from the front of the car to the rear of the car, increasing the dynamics of the car body. Generally speaking, the design of Tang New Energy not only embodies the sense of luxury, but also does not lose the sense of fashion. It is an excellent SUV model.

As a medium-sized SUV, BYD Tang New Energy has performed well in body size, with a body length of 4870mm, a width of 1950mm, a height of 1725mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm, providing passengers with spacious interior space. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1650mm and 1630mm respectively, which makes the vehicle more stable when driving. In tyre size, the former tyre size is 255/50 R20, and the latter tyre size is also 255/50 R20. This large-size tire not only improves the handling performance of the vehicle, but also makes the vehicle more visually impactful. The side lines of the car are smooth, and the overall shape is fashionable and atmospheric, showing the luxury temperament of BYD Tang New Energy.

The interior design of Tang New Energy Car Series is fashionable and luxurious, and a large number of soft materials and leather wraps are used to improve the texture and comfort of the whole car. The steering wheel is made of leather material, which can be manually adjusted up and down+back and forth, so that the driver can find the most comfortable driving posture. The central control screen size is 15.6 inches, which supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight, and is easy to operate. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB/Type-C interfaces, which are convenient for charging and connecting devices. The front row also has mobile phone wireless charging function, which makes drivers more convenient. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (4 directions), and the auxiliary seat also supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seats also have heating and ventilation functions to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion, which increases the practicability of the vehicle. In a word, the interior design of Tang New Energy Car Series is exquisite and rich in configuration, which provides a comfortable and convenient experience for drivers and passengers.

Tang New Energy is equipped with a 1.5T 139 L4 engine with a maximum power of 102 kW and a maximum torque of 231N m.. Equipped with E-CVT continuously variable transmission, it makes the shift smoother and provides a more comfortable driving experience. This engine has excellent power performance and efficient fuel economy, which can meet the needs of daily driving and long-distance travel. Whether it is urban roads or expressways, Tangxin Energy can provide sufficient power support, so that drivers can feel strong power output and stable driving performance.

In terms of the exterior design of Tang New Energy, we can see that the evaluation is very pertinent. The front face adopts a family-style design, the lines are tough, full of strength, the design of the tail penetrating taillights is simple and generous, and the wheels are very beautiful. These details make Tang New Energy present an atmospheric and tough image in appearance, which leaves a deep impression on people. At the same time, as a new energy vehicle, Tangxin Energy also has outstanding performance in environmental protection, energy saving and power. It can be said that Tang New Energy is a car with both value and strength, which is a very good choice for consumers who pursue quality life.

BYD Qin 100 Huanxin debut official guide price of 209,900 yuan.

Continue to plug in the road of the strong sports car

BYD Qin 100 Huanxin debut official guide price of 209,900 yuan.

On February 27, 2017, BYD’s plug-in sports car, Qin 100, was officially listed, with an official guide price of 209,900 yuan. After enjoying the policy support of 36,000 yuan and saving about 17,000 yuan in purchase tax, travel tax, etc., the actual national payment price of Qin 100 Electric in the future is 173,900 yuan. At the same time, BYD Auto Finance Company will provide a new energy finance scheme with a zero interest rate, and the payment will be as low as 100 yuan in 100 days, so that consumers can enjoy a green life more easily.

BYD Qin is a plug-in hybrid vehicle for personal consumption market, which has become an important driving force for the popularization trend of new energy vehicles in China. It has changed consumers’ inherent concept of new energy vehicles in the past, cultivated the first domestic users who changed their travel modes through new energy vehicles, and injected confidence into the development of China brand in the new energy vehicle market.

Since its listing at the end of 2013, BYD Qin has nearly 70,000 car owners, ranking first in domestic new energy vehicles, and its technology, quality and reputation are still in a pioneering position in the industry.

Qin 100, which is listed this time, inherits the core technical advantages of "dual engine and dual mode", and has been sincerely upgraded in environmental protection performance, driving control performance, appearance and interior decoration, intelligent technology and other aspects, and is committed to providing consumers with a better driving experience, so as to continue China’s road of being a strong player by mixing new energy sports cars.

Green line worry-free: pure electric cruising range exceeds 100 kilometers

Qin 100 inherits the advantages of BYD’s new energy technology, strives to alleviate consumers’ travel concerns and popularize the worry-free green lifestyle of "short-distance pure electricity and long-distance hybrid". Equipped with a battery with higher energy density and better safety and a smarter battery management system, the pure electric endurance of Qin 100 has increased from 70 kilometers to 100 kilometers-not only exceeding the mainstream plug-in hybrid vehicles on the market, but even longer than many entry-level pure electric vehicles. At the same time, the pure electric cruising range of 100 kilometers has also set a new record for plug-in pure electric cruising maintained by BYD itself, so that the technology of new energy vehicles in China continues to maintain the international high level.

For consumers, Qin 100′ s ultra-long pure electric cruising range of 100 kilometers has greatly improved the zero-oil travel radius, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of 100 kilometers has also been reduced to 1.2L The use of "replacing oil with electricity" will save consumers a lot of car costs. At the same time, the stronger battery life also reduces the frequency of user charging and improves the convenience of use. Coupled with the very low threshold of charging hardware (household power supply, wall-mounted charging box and public charging pile can all charge Qin), Qin 100 has further promoted the popularization of new energy vehicles, making more and more consumers willing to join the ranks of green travel.

Full control: event-level adjustment, Qin 100 control comprehensive upgrade

For a long time, the pursuit of speed pleasure and driving pleasure has been deeply engraved in BYD Qin’s product genes. As early as the end of 2013, when Qin came out, with the "dual-engine power" hybrid system composed of 1.5TI engine and motor, with total power of 217kW and total torque of 479N·m, Qin Neng achieved an amazing achievement of 0-100km/h acceleration of only 5.9 seconds, which refreshed the industry’s understanding of the sports performance of hybrid cars.

In 2014, Qin became "the first new energy vehicle in the world to participate in rally", and won the SAE category of China Rally Championship (CRC) for three consecutive years. In 2016, Qin won several awards in China CCPC with zero modification.

The rigorous and fierce competition not only verified Qin’s technology and quality, but also accumulated rich experience in research and development and adjustment for the newly upgraded Qin 100. Thanks to this, Qin 100 optimizes the chassis structure, EPS steering program, electronic control program and other parts, and the handling, driving stability and comfort of the whole vehicle have been greatly improved.

Specifically, Qin 100 changed the connection position of the front suspension stabilizer bar from the swing arm to the shock absorber, and the rear suspension was upgraded to a high-performance multi-link independent suspension. Coupled with the use of a series of lightweight materials, it has high chassis hardware specifications and excellent driving texture. In addition, Qin 100 transferred the power battery from the trunk to the floor of the car body, which not only effectively reduced the height of the center of gravity of the whole car and reduced the roll range of the car body, but also expanded the trunk space to 450L, greatly improving the practicality of the trunk.

In order to verify the evolution results of handling, BYD Qin 100 "went to the track before listing", and won the SAE group championships in Changchun Station and Jixi Station in succession. The chassis technology, power matching and vehicle quality stability have been rigorously and fully tested to ensure that vehicles can create speed and passion for consumers with high-quality driving and control experience.

Enjoy the fun: central control, large screen, real-time interconnection, smart car life

Brand-new three-dimensional grille, Dynasty series Chinese logo, cool wheels and LED light guide taillights all make Qin 100 look more scientific and technological. After opening the car door, you will find that a conspicuous 12.8-inch ultra-large HD touch capacitive screen and its open Carpad Android car system are the essence of profoundly interpreting Qin 100 intelligent technology.

This system integrates powerful functions such as audio-visual entertainment, Bluetooth phone, intelligent voice control, radio, voice navigation, 4G network, CarLife, Phonelink car interconnection, etc. Drivers and passengers can realize rapid interconnection and mutual control with the owner’s smart phone through data cable, Bluetooth or Wifi, and can experience various application services safely and quickly in the car. Combined with the 12.8-inch ultra-large high-definition touch capacitive screen with great impact, it brings both visual and tactile enjoyment to drivers and passengers. In order to create a real-time interconnected driving experience, Qin 100′ s Carpad Android in-vehicle system also has a built-in wireless network card and a 4G module, which can satisfy drivers and passengers’ fun of surfing the Internet anytime and anywhere.

In addition, Qin 100 is also equipped with two kinds of 12.3-inch full LCD digital instruments with adjustable UI interface, 360 ultra-high-definition panoramic image system (4.0), PM2.5 green clean system, mobile power station, one-click convenient cloud service, full of scientific and technological remote control driving and other 100,000-yuan equipment for car owners to choose individually, so as to enhance the driving experience of car owners in an all-round way.

So far, BYD Qin has been listed for more than three years, and it continues to lead the development of the industry and has been recognized by many consumers. With BYD’s "Electric Future" providing value-added experience in the whole value chain, Qin 100 will further provide customers with three value leaps beyond expectations: technology, products and services. It can be predicted that Qin 100, whose comprehensive strength has been significantly improved, will seize more market share, continue to write the legend of the strong plug-in sports car in China, and help BYD brand to continue to be the leader of new energy vehicles.

Tiggo 9 in Anqing area is on sale! The discount is 12,000. If you miss it, you won’t have it.

On the promotion channel in Anqing, car home, we are pleased to announce that the high-profile models are being promoted. As an SUV favored by consumers, Tiggo 9 offers an incredible discount range in Anqing, with a maximum discount of 12,000. Buy Tiggo 9 now, and you can enjoy a premium discount with a minimum starting price of 140,900 yuan in Anqing. To seize this excellent opportunity, please click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Tiggo 9 is an SUV with excellent design, and its front face adopts a unique air intake grille design, which has a very atmospheric visual effect. The overall lines of the car body are smooth, giving people a very stable feeling, and at the same time, it also has elements of fashion and sports. The body adopts a streamlined design, which makes the whole body look more dynamic and smooth. The appearance design of the whole vehicle is very exquisite, the details are handled in place, and the overall style is very harmonious, which makes people shine.

Tiggo 9 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4820*1930*1710mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm. It has a long body and spacious interior space. The body lines are smooth, and the design of the side lines is simple and atmospheric, showing a sense of stability and strength. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1638 mm and 1641mm respectively, which makes the vehicle have good handling and stability. The front and rear tyre size are both 245/50 R20, which provides good grip and comfort. On the whole, the side design of Tiggo 9 is fashionable, showing its luxury and strength.

The interior design of Tiggo 9 is full of fashion and luxury, and the overall style is simple and atmospheric. The steering wheel is made of leather, which makes it feel comfortable. The position adjustment adopts manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, which is convenient for the driver to find the most comfortable position. The central control screen size is 12.3 inches, which supports the voice recognition control of multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioner and skylight, and is easy to operate. The front row and the back row are equipped with USB/Type-C interface, which is convenient for mobile phone charging. The main seat is made of imitation leather, which supports front-back adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), while the auxiliary seat supports front-back adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seats are also equipped with heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat also has electric seat memory function. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion to provide more storage space.

The Tiggo 9 is powered by a 2.0T 261 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine can bring excellent power performance to drivers and make your driving experience more passionate. At the same time, with the 8-speed automatic manual transmission, the shift is smoother and your driving is smoother. Whether driving everyday or at high speed, this engine can meet your needs.

In the evaluation of car home’s car owner, he mentioned that the design of Tiggo 9 gives people a very atmospheric and calm feeling, which is not radical and unassuming, and conforms to his favorite design style. This design style has been well reflected in Tiggo 9, and the lines of the whole vehicle are simple and smooth, full of power, giving people a stable and atmospheric visual effect. Both the outline lines and details of the car body can reflect the designer’s pursuit of balance and harmony. In terms of details, the front face of Tiggo 9 is decorated with a large area of chrome, which makes the whole car look more exquisite. The lines on the side of the car body are smooth and natural, making the whole car look more agile. In addition, the rear design of the Tiggo 9 is also very exquisite, and the taillights are designed through, which improves the visual effect of the whole vehicle. It can be said that the design of Tiggo 9 is not only calm but also fashionable, which is one of the models of automobile design.

The original BYD Qin L preview will be released at the Beijing Auto Show or will be sold at 120,000 yuan.

On April 15th, the preview of Qin L, a brand-new car of BYD Wang Chaowang, was released. The appearance of the new car continues the "loong" design language, and it will form a two-car pattern with Qin PLUS, with an estimated starting price of more than 120,000 yuan.

In terms of appearance, Qin L’s front face inherits Wang Chaowang’s Longyan aesthetics, and the sharp headlight group is connected by thick chrome trim strips. The word "Qin" is engraved in the center of chrome trim strips, and the interior of the large-size mesh is decorated with breakpoints. The shape surrounded by the front is also very sharp. The waistline of the new car adopts two-stage design, and the roof line is full and smooth. The tail of the new car has a heavy shape, and the classic "Chinese knot" element is added to the taillights. The luminous BYD LOGO is full of science and technology.

In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 74 kW and the maximum power of the motor is 160 kW. It is equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery pack, providing 90km and 60km pure electric cruising range.

Answer Comments: According to the application information, the length, width and height of Qin L’s body are 4830/1900/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2790 mm. Except the height of the body is the same as that of Qin PLUS, it is larger than Qin PLUS in other aspects, which is close to the body size of a medium-sized car. The starting price of Qin PLUS on sale is 79,800 yuan, and the price of Qin L will be between Qin PLUS and Han, and 120,000 yuan will be a more suitable point. Judging from the positioning of Qin L, its interior will be more luxurious than Qin PLUS. The specific performance of the new car will not be known until it is officially unveiled.