Gao Ye Wang Xiao Aruna… The cast of "Hurricane" reunited for it this time?

1905 movie network feature The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, and the Spring Festival videos are doing their best to "roll" up.

The audience tried their best to sort out the plot points of each movie in various video materials, and also explore the possibility of the actors this time in the short video. The change of efforts, the portrayal of deaf and mute people, the interpretation of characters… Every effective discussion made them become frequent visitors on the hot search list.

And their confidence comes from the works. Because of the support of the works, they were seen by these directors.

Just like at the press conference, he got the annual hot word "Biao" and frankly said, "Thank you for this word’Biao ‘, so that the director can see his progress." Although it was not specified, everyone naturally understood that it was referring to the role of sister-in-law in China.

This made the director see that the assistant director, who had been a cameo nurse on the crew, had already transformed into an excellent actress recognized by the public.

In addition to Takaba, the actors in "Hurricane" have also become actors in "Article 20".

Previously, many people have mentioned in interviews that director Zhang Yimou has a high reading volume, and even if he is busy with work, he will set aside time to watch films.

If "Hurricane" allows Zhang Yimou to see Gao Ye, Wang Xiao, and others, then there is reason to believe that in 2023, another word-of-mouth masterpiece will also allow the director to find many partners in it.

– That’s the show.

The old partner doesn’t need to say much, and the actors in the series, such as,, and so on, are also pleasantly surprised to appear in "Article 20".

In addition to the drama series, the acting skills in last year’s popular movies are obvious to all, and joining "Article 20" this time is also highly anticipated.

In addition to excellent dramas and movies, Zhang Yimou seems to have paid a lot of attention to variety shows.

Following the use of the "Annual Comedy Convention" of Zhang Chi, he this time in the comedy movie "Article 20", chose "Annual Comedy Convention" and.

Perhaps Zhang Yimou’s choice of Liu Yaowen was also due to a certain bright spot in his "Infinite Transcendence Class" at the beginning of last year.

In addition to these actors, Zhao Liying’s participation is even more eye-catching. Looking back at 2022-2023, she experimented with realistic-themed works – and two episodes of "Wind Blows Half Summer", both of which allowed audiences to see her transformation as an actor and the thickness of her performances.

It is worth noting that the original work of "Happiness to Wanjia", "The Legend of Qiu Ju", has been adapted into a movie before. This relationship also adds a layer of connection between director Zhang Yimou and actor Zhao Liying. From the current trailer, Zhao Liying plays Hao Xiuping, which is quite resilient of Qiu Ju back then.

In addition to Zhang Yimou’s "Article 20", the creators of other films also share this fate.

In China, this is already the second collaboration with the director. As early as before, Fan Chengcheng has shown his comic talent in the film produced and directed by Han Han. I believe this collaboration will give the two a chance to play two games.

In fact, Fan Chengcheng’s role in "Unfamiliar with Life" was recommended by the director. At that time, the two were working together, and the director Yi Xiaoxing was the producer of the film. When talking about the lack of a suitable candidate for the male lead of his project, Ma Kai immediately recommended this new generation actor to him. With these consecutive good collaborations, more projects will naturally follow.

Before working together, they always have their works as the cornerstone, step by step, without using traffic to define value, because the works have already become the most powerful echo. Perhaps in the future, we will continue to see more similar actors being discovered, whether it is the small screen or the big screen, they are shining brightly and deserve better treatment.

Fan Bingbing and Zhang Ziyi’s battle for love "Very Perfect" Stars Statue

Young directors and big names have joined, and such cooperation models have appeared more and more frequently in the domestic film market in recent years. Zhang Ziyi’s first film as a producer and starring, with Fan Bingbing, Su Zhixie, He Rundong, Lin Xinru, and Yao Chen starring in it. The second feature film of Yimeng, a director studying in the United States, is destined to set off a boom this summer.

Zhang Ziyi

From the perspective of the heroine Sophie, it is simply a process of "losing love, striving for love, and regaining love." A series of small tricks, tricks, and surprises derived from "love" occur in the middle. Finally, it conforms to the label of "urban fashion romantic comedy", and the lovers finally get married. Such a story may be suitable for a summer that needs a touch of coolness in a heat wave, for urbanites who are busy all day, and for people who have a vision of sweet love, but it is still the old saying – benevolent people see benevolence and wise people see wisdom. There is a market, and everyone gets what they need.

Although, as far as the whole movie is concerned, the demand for acting is not so harsh or extreme. But just seeing these actors with enough weight and hot topics appear on the big screen at the same time, it is already worthy of the name of "urban fashion romantic comedy".

Supporting actors with leading roles

Looking at the whole movie, under the light of Zhang Ziyi and Fan Bingbing, the aura of the other stars was relatively discounted a lot. Observing one by one, one of Sophie’s girlfriends, Lu Xiaoxi played by Lin Xinru, has capable short hair, smoky makeup, and black main suits. The overall shape is good enough, but apart from the shape, there are not many memory points. Sophie’s second best friend, Li Li played by Yao Chen, has curly hair sheep head, and blingbling gold and silver jewelry all over her body. The big-mouthed beautiful woman’s comedy talent is still unstoppable, and because there are not many scenes, the place where she can stand out is relatively limited. However, "YOU seduce my husband!" This line is believed to be popular for a short time. Then, Mr. Right, who wrote a happy ending with Sophie, and Chang Rui, played by He Rundong, gave the character the words "no merit". There are no distinctive characters, and He Rundong’s tall and healthy appearance, sunny and handsome face, and natural and friendly performance are used just right. However, if you replace it with someone else, I believe it will not make much difference. In the end, Sophie’s ex-boyfriend, Lee Jiefu, who was originally thought to be the most central and interesting, recruited Su Zhixie, who is absolutely guaranteed to be popular in Korea, to play. However, the result makes people feel a little regretful that he is "overqualified". In the movie, Mr. Su took a foil route. The two beautiful women were just competing for the goal, and he always felt that there was a little less personality and a little less independent advocacy. The innocence, confusion and helplessness in the eyes that the plot needs are revealed from time to time. Or it should be said that in the background of big-name women’s plays, it is enough for men to play in moderation.

He Rundong

The two major characters that made their debut

As two major domestic A-list actresses, Zhang Ziyi and Fan Bingbing’s show on the same stage is definitely one of the biggest attractions. In the movie, the two characters are also in tit-for-tat positions, Li Jiefu’s ex-girlfriend – comic book collection Sophie and current girlfriend – big star Wang Jingjing. One is in the process of "revenge" to regain his old love, and the other is in a big confrontation to defend his new love’s acting skills. The cartoonist’s fanciful moves are against the big stars’ acting skills that are still proficient in life, and it was thought that this was the main axis of the narrative. In fact, compared to Zhang Ziyi’s most important appearance, Fan Bingbing can perform in relatively few places.

Fan Bingbing

I’m used to seeing Zhang Ziyi in all kinds of big productions. The first time I saw her in a "non-blockbuster" or a comedy, I was really not used to it when I first started watching it. Due to the needs of the plot, the exaggerated performance method and the innocent and romantic expression that seemed to be a little beyond age finally stopped feeling discordant in the middle of the movie. Little clever, little bad, little evil, little confused, all the characters need are fully displayed and not annoying, which is not bad. At the same time, the plot comic-style narrative, the prominent details and color matching in the scene, and the full transformation of the clothing add a lot of points to the three-dimensional shaping of the whole character, or these are the essential elements of the so-called urban fashion drama.

In the end, Fan Bingbing was mentioned because this character, who seemed to be the protagonist but did not have too many roles, but who felt like nothing more than Fan Bingbing, was well-interpreted. As far as the character itself was concerned, Fan Bingbing could definitely perform with ease at her current level, and just the aura and aura of a big star were already natural to her. Under the premise of the plot and the needs of the character, it also required skills to show one’s beauty to the greatest extent, and she did it. Especially in the rock climbing arena, she watched Sophie with tears in her eyes and duplicity, saying, "Play acting with me, can you?" The scene was particularly classic. In addition, due to the needs of the play within the play, a series of shapes from ancient times to the present appear distinct under the interpretation of Fan Bingbing, which also makes the picture feel rich and layered again. Although the way of handling the ending is a little stiff, there is no reasonable plot overkill to reflect Wang Jingjing’s inner transformation. Maybe the director doesn’t think there is such a need, it’s just wishful thinking of me as a viewer.

The movie has not been released in the whole country, and the topics are already numerous. Some people say that the movie is not bad, it is worth watching; some people say that only the big names have no content, and it is not worth wasting money; some people say that this is a brand new attempt in Chinese film; some people say that this movie has seen too many shadows of movies, just like Korean idol movies… In this circle, the more topics, the easier it is to attract attention. Whether you love it or not, if you just want to find something to make yourself happy in the hot summer, if you don’t care so much about the imperfections under the perfect, then this movie ticket should still be considered, if you still have some money in your pocket.

Deng Chao, the important thing is how to face failure

Deng Chao recent photo

Deng Chao and Sun Li

"Chinese Ping Pong: The Jedi Strike Back" stills

◆ Sun Jiayin

This man with a shining performance resume, this man who is familiar with variety shows and the Spring Festival Gala, but the road to directing is unexpectedly unsuccessful. In the face of past doubts and current adversity, he accepted an exclusive interview with this newspaper and sincerely and completely opened himself up.

"The ball never lands, never give up."

"We’ve all failed, lost, lost, but it doesn’t matter, keep fighting, it’s like we’ve never been defeated!"

"Everything has just begun, and our efforts will not stop."

"Thank you to those who supported and shouted, the’Little Qiang ‘who can’t be beaten will eventually become the’Great Demon King’!"

Files were fixed, files were changed, releases were released, and screenings were withdrawn. Finally, "Chinese Ping Pong: The Return of the Jedi" re-embraced the audience on the 17th. These sentences were not so much the "small advertisements" forwarded by the leading star Deng Chao on his personal Weibo, but rather the letters of encouragement he wrote to himself again and again as a film director.

Facing doubts and adversity, he accepted an exclusive interview with this newspaper.

He said that when he returns to the stage, he will definitely cheer, but he is very calm. He admits that the film is not about how people achieve success, but how to face failure. He said that in the five years of filming, he has learned to face failure and reflect. "This will not stop, it is a lifetime thing."

1 From wanting to shoot, to several collapses

"When you see this project, you are gearing up, and when you really enter the first day of the project, you are scratching your head." Deng Chao did not deny that in the early 1990s, Chinese men’s table tennis fell into a trough, faced internal and external doubts, made drastic reforms, and finally in the 1995 World Table Tennis Championships "Jedi counterattack", regained the championship story, let him see himself and his partner Yu Baimei. "Bai Mei and I have also made very unsuccessful movies. For many days, we were very anxious, our faces were like ashes, and we couldn’t sleep. The national table tennis players in the movie were not favored when they were in a low ebb. But they did not give up. If they played badly, they practiced their playing methods; if the glue of the racket was not good, they went to make glue; if the tactics were not good, they would sharpen the tactics. People must face up to where their problems are and what their weaknesses are. Only by facing up to them can we come out. The plot in the play is too similar to our real-life experience, and when I see it, I really want to shoot it. "

But as soon as he got started, he immediately realized that this is a very difficult bone to chew, and even "may be an unfinished thing." Not to mention the impact of the epidemic on the shooting progress, nor how difficult it is to shoot non-direct competitive sports, learning to play ping-pong with the left hand is the first hurdle in front of right-handed Deng Chao. "In the first class, I started training completely from a little white. After playing for two hours, I was about to dehydrate. Coach Li Nan gave me a sentence, ‘Where is this going?’ I suddenly felt that the gap between me and the legendary coach I was going to play was too great." How to approach, restore, and present the history and those people is what Deng Chao has been trying to do for several years. After practicing table tennis hard for four months, he was a little broken, "I’m not alone, the’Five Tigers’ in the movie also told me several times that I can’t continue to practice, and the more I practice, the more I feel unsure." The more I chatted with the prototype’s wife, son, friends, and colleagues, the deeper I went into his world, the more I felt broken, "His interpretation of the game, the thickness of his life, I am far less than, what to do, what to do, often in this anxiety."

2. Face failure and regain your resolve

As an actor, and more importantly, as a director, how can I encourage actors, and myself? Deng Chao said that one day he told the "Five Tigers" in the film, "From the perspective of acting, the champion is actually immersed in failure. In other words, this frustration is actually very precious. Congratulations, this bad feeling of failure helps to complete the character creation."

This is true. What ultimately helped Deng Chao complete his role and movie was the dedication that he almost tied his right hand and tried to eat and do things with his left hand; it was the prototype’s treasured and yellowed tactical book, "Open the first page, there is an application form, an application for a TV, a chest push frame, and a pair of dumbbells. Flip down again, there are many things, there is a pre-game tactical analysis, there is a post-game summary reflection… This is like a Chinese ping pong martial arts secret book, I am like a mouse fell into a rice bowl"; it is also the power he drew from the Chinese men’s ping during the filming process, from the real history of the "Jedi counterattack". He realized that failure needs to be faced calmly, and when you face the problem squarely, you will find "medicine". "Bai Mei wrote a lot of lines in the movie that are the same as our state of mind, such as the coach played by Wu Jing who came to me and said, ‘You are not afraid of death, you are afraid of a ball.’ I said, ‘Then I can’t win before I die?’ He said, ‘You can also close your eyes in a down-to-earth manner.’ I think this is our life topic." When he said this, Deng Chao’s tone was very calm, but there was a sense of calmness in his calm.

"When things are going well, I can’t hear criticism, and I can’t see my shortcomings. Even for a long time, I don’t want to face the problem head-on, and I always bypass it skillfully. Even at home, I report good news but not bad news. But when you ask yourself, how good is your directing level? Do you believe that you can continue?" When he has the courage to reflect, he seems to no longer be afraid of failure. "You ask yourself again, what are you missing? Then make up for it, and when you make it up, you will find that it is’medicine ‘, which starts to take effect piece by piece."

3. Do your best to win or lose calmly

The movie was like a beam of light shining into reality. The medicine began to take effect one by one, and Deng Chao and Yu Baimei led the team to cross the river by feeling the stones. "We split each scene in the early stage, and we did a good job of dividing the shots." "Amir Khan (famous Indian Bollywood actor, director and producer," Wrestling! "Did you know that we have nearly 1,000 tracks?" "I don’t know how many times I have seen the video of that game in 1995. Everyone has a tablet, and we compare it while shooting." Deng Chao said that the entire cast of 500 people has always been trying to find a way to make more efforts, "to make even a little more progress. These past few years, it has been like a healing journey, and we have tried our best."

This effort was recognized by many famous people in the table tennis world, especially the character prototype. "After watching the movie, he was very excited and held my hand for a long time. After the movie was released, my wife (the character prototype played by Sun Li) called me several times and said that she liked Sun Li’s performance very much."

This effort made Deng Chao sober and confident about the new film, "We haven’t done well enough, we may never be able to really restore the courage and fearlessness of the hero, but I always believe that this film is valuable, and it will stay in time. If measured by life, I think it will have its own scale." But this effort may ultimately fail to achieve the ideal box office, "Box office doesn’t represent everything, but it represents a lot. I think after the dust settles on future movies, I have to continue to reflect." After a pause, Deng Chao said that this reflection will continue, "In fact, it will last a lifetime."

Author: Sun Jiayin

Source: Xinmin Evening News

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ChatGPT is on fire, and the Chinese version is coming too?

  ◎ Science and Technology Daily reporter, Liu Yuanyuan

  During this time, an artificial intelligence chat system called ChatGPT was like a spring thunder on the ground, suddenly exploding the network.

  "Judging from the current general conversation experience, the biggest highlight of ChatGPT is its excellent intention recognition and language understanding ability, which makes people realize that the interaction ability of artificial intelligence has achieved leapfrog progress."Analysys wisdom institute senior analyst Chen Chen evaluation.

  This magical human-computer interaction experience has aroused people’s enthusiasm for racking their brains to ask questions to ChatGPT, and brought it an amazing number of users: the system was launched by the American artificial intelligence research company OpenAI more than two months ago, and it has reached 100 million monthly active users in January this year. The user growth rate is unprecedented.

  This product is very popular, and its important behind-the-scenes contributor is the technology known as the pre-trained model in the industry. In the face of the explosion of ChatGPT, domestic technology institutions and enterprises have "shined their swords".According to the latest news, the Chinese version of ChatGPT will be available to the public next month.

  ChatGPT answers questions about itself.

  The scale of parameters skyrockets from millions to hundreds of billions

  "At present, pre-training technology is an important breakthrough in artificial intelligence research," explained Su Zhong, head of the Future Technology Center of Ali Research Institute.In traditional research methods, the cost of labeling has been an obstacle preventing artificial intelligence algorithms from pushing towards larger data sets, while pre-training techniques can train a large-scale deep learning model without relying on data annotations.

  The Science and Technology Daily reporter learned that because data annotation is not required, pre-trained models can often use larger datasets, so they can choose larger model sizes – which has given rise to pre-trained large models.

  "Compared with the previous artificial neural networks, the biggest difference of the pre-trained large model is that it is large enough, and the deep learning network has many layers, many connections, and many parameters." Zhang Jiaxing, a lecturer at the Cognitive Computing and Natural Language Research Center of IDEA Research Institute (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Institute), introduced in an interview with reporters that the deep learning network around 2012 has only a few million parameters; the mainstream pre-trained model around 2018 reached 100 million parameters; the large-scale pre-trained model that has been proved to be very effective has hundreds of billions of parameters, which have been improved thousands of times in just a few years.

  ChatGPT answers questions about itself.

  Quantitative change leads to qualitative change. Su Zhong analyzed that in the evaluation of various techniques of the pre-trained model, the performance of the algorithm showed a rule:The larger the data size and the more parameters of the pre-trained model, the higher the output accuracy of the algorithm.

  In addition to the large scale, Zhang Jiaxing said that the current pre-trained large model is very suitable for parallel training due to the use of new structural models. At the same time, in terms of training methods, the pre-training tasks of artificial neural networks are similar to "problem solving", such as removing a word or the first half of a sentence and letting the pre-trained model use massive big data to recover the sentence. In this way, the pre-trained model’s "problem solving" ability will get better and better. Moreover, on the basis of large language models, the introduction of instruction learning can far exceed the benefits of model fine-tuning. On this basis, human feedback can help the model better understand human intentions and receive information, and the human-machine dialogue will become more and more smooth.

  ChatGPT answers questions about itself.

  "ChatGPT can be said to be a landmark artificial intelligence product in terms of underlying data, core technology, user experience, etc." Zhang Xiangyu, head of basic research at Megvii Research Institute, said,The core technology of ChatGPT is the artificial intelligence language model, the key is how to make the artificial intelligence model have logical reasoning ability, and how to make artificial intelligence learn the knowledge of the whole Internet.These ChatGPTs are basically achieved, thus making great breakthroughs in decision-making and knowledge.

  Many domestic science and technology institutions have established a presence in related fields

  According to foreign media reports, a number of foreign tech giants are investing heavily in pre-training models and artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) track. The reporter learned that many domestic science and technology institutions and enterprises have laid out related fields.

  Zhang Jiaxing told reporters that the IDEA Research Institute’s Cognitive Computing and Natural Language Research Center has been in this direction for a long time, and the center has the largest open-source model system in China – the list of gods. The 98 models that have been open-sourced are fully supporting the development of China’s AIGC, exploring the development of personalized and customizable models adapted to various fields, and supporting all natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

  "It’s great to see the emergence of AIGC and ChatGPT in the tenth year of the rapid development of deep learning. Today, all these natural language processing tasks are being unified into the ChatGPT model. We are also integrating previous models and technologies to launch our ChatGPT-like model." Zhang Jiaxing said.

  Source: Visual China

  The reporter learned from Baidu that Baidu has invested in the development of related technologies similar to ChatGPT. The name of the project is determined to be ERNIE Bot. The English name is ERNIE Bot. It will be open to the public after the closed beta is completed in March. At present, ERNIE Bot is sprinting before going online.

  "ChatGPT mainly involves natural language processing related technologies, which is one of the applications in the field of cognitive intelligence. iFLYTEK has a long-term and profound accumulation of technologies and applications in this direction." On the evening of February 8, iFLYTEK responded on the investor interaction platform that the company has open sourced a series of Chinese pre-trained language models in 6 categories and more than 40 general fields for the field of cognitive intelligence, and launched a generative pre-trained large model task in December last year. Artificial intelligence learning machine will become the first product to land this technology, and will be released at the product level in May this year.

  In addition, 360 said on its investor interaction platform on February 7 that the company also plans to launch a prototype version of ChatGPT-like technology as soon as possible. "AIGC technology can assist in the improvement of digital security capabilities in addition to its application in search engines," 360 said.

  (Science and Technology Daily reporters Cao Xiuying and Liu Yan also contributed to this article.)

  Source: Science and Technology Daily, the pictures in the text are provided by the author unless indicated

  Editor: Shen Wei (Internship)

  Review: Yue Liang

  Final Review: Wang Tingting

Wahaha’s New Year’s Eve dinner kicked off with excitement, sharing the fruits of corporate development with employees

The workers’ congress had just come to an end, and the Spring Festival group meeting had a grand debut. This week, Wahaha had a "very fulfilling" life.

From January 29th to 30th, Wahaha Group held a staff congress and a meeting of factory directors in Hangzhou. Zong Fuli led the meeting and made plans and arrangements for the development direction of Wahaha in the new year, and settled the first "major event" after the opening year a year ago. On the eve of the Lunar New Year on February 2nd, Wahaha held a Spring Festival youth workers group meeting in Xiasha Base in Hangzhou, which was still hosted by Zong Fuli. The Wahaha New Year’s Eve dinner was lively.

It’s not a good idea.The highlights of the "Wahaha Spring Festival Gala" continue, and the New Year’s "jackpot" is presented.

Early in the morning, the "Junjie Hotel" located in Wahaha Xiasha Base was full of New Year’s flavor, with 145 tables filled with drinks, fruits, nuts and cold cuts. More than a thousand young workers entered the venue one after another, their faces full of excitement and expectation. There were also paper cuts with the word "Fu", red lanterns hung high up, and mascots for the Year of the Dragon… The atmosphere was thick and lively.

Since 1987, the tradition of annual reunion banquets has gradually formed a unique cultural symbol of Wahaha. Every year, on the eve of the Spring Festival, Wahaha invites young workers in Hangzhou to have a New Year’s Eve dinner, which includes sumptuous delicacies, evening performances, and red envelope awards.

This year was the same, the party had set up multiple rounds of on-site lottery, large supermarket cards, electric vehicles, tablet computers, glory mobile phones… The company prepared generous prizes, including the sunshine-drenched prize for everyone – New Year’s gift package and lottery tickets, to give employees the "jackpot" of the new year.

It is worth mentioning that the on-site singing and dancing, folk music, recitation and other programs were written, directed and performed by the Wahaha Art Troupe and Wahaha employees at various positions. They also combined annual events such as sponsoring the Asian Games and the corporate culture of striving for progress. It brought a fun and exciting audio-visual experience to the young workers of Wahaha. The applause and laughter from the audience continued, making it a luxurious "Wahaha Spring Festival Gala".

It’s not a good idea.37 years of uninterrupted care, allowing employees to feel the warmth of home

Focusing on employee care has always been a major feature of Wahaha. During its 37 years of development, Wahaha has pursued a corporate culture of "uniting the small family, developing everyone, and serving the country", and has always placed the happy life of its employees in an important position. Wahaha has also been called a "conscience enterprise" and "other people’s company" many times because of its good welfare benefits.

The first is to insist on giving employees annual bonuses every year, so that employees can enjoy the fruits of enterprise development most intuitively, and at the same time insist on holding Wahaha New Year’s Eve dinner every year to celebrate the Spring Festival with employees. Sending red envelopes and drawing gifts is the "highlight" that has never been absent every year.

Secondly, for young employees, housing has always been the "top priority" in their life development. Wahaha regards solving the housing problem of employees as an important task, providing employees with free dormitories covering all bases across the country, free of water and electricity; implementing a stepped housing project covering all employees to solve the problem of employees settling down. So far, more than 1,000 employee apartments have been built in Jiaxing Haining, Sichuan Chengdu, Tianjin, Chongqing and other places, more than 1,500 apartments have been allocated for married backbone employees, 640 low-rent housing units have been provided for employees, and more than 50 million housing purchase subsidies have been provided, solving the worries of employees.

In addition, there are "irregular drop" mid-year bonuses, holiday condolences, festival fees, colorful "staff homes" and "cultural clubs", etc…. Taking care of the diverse and personalized material and spiritual needs of employees greatly enhances the sense of belonging of employees, and motivates every Wahaha employee to "twist a rope" and strive forward.

If the enterprise develops well, employees can naturally develop well. Wahaha is verifying this sentence with practical actions. For 37 years, Wahaha has adhered to honest management, actively fulfilled social responsibility, ensured product safety and health, cooperated with suppliers and distributors for win-win results, and allowed employees to share the fruits of enterprise development. It has achieved integrity from society, partners, to consumers, and won brand reputation.

In recent years, Wahaha has also accumulated a deep leap in kinetic energy and a stable "thin hair" through management system reform, implementation of five major strategic innovations, and intelligent manufacturing. In 2023, Wahaha continued to maintain stable development, not only helped the Asian Games to be successfully held, but also achieved the Asian Games IP marketing breaking circle. It also won the "Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government Quality Award". Wenzhou Wencheng Intelligent Factory was also awarded the Zhejiang Provincial "Factory of the Future". Management, marketing, quality construction, and back-end intelligent manufacturing are all working together… This leading enterprise in the food and beverage industry, how will it open up its own new journey in the future, deserves more expectations.

This is the second best movie of Hu Ge’s career

Hu Ge is a first-rate TV actor and a second-rate movie actor.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s coffee or acting.

From "The Legend of Immortals and Swords" to "Langya Ranking" to "Flowering Flowers", Hu Ge has had a hit drama at every stage of his acting career.

But compared with TV dramas, Hu Ge starred in fewer movies, and even fewer masterpieces were produced.

So far, the best film of Hu Ge’s career is probably "The Wild Goose Lake" directed by Diao Yinan.

Recently, he starred in the theater film "Stop and Go" was released, and I thought that this movie starring Hu Ge could be ranked second.

Compared to "The Wild Goose Lake", there is no way, and there is a gap in grades between directors. But compared to "It’s Worth It", which won the Best Actor of the Shanghai Film Festival for Hu Ge before, "Stop and Go" has similarities in genre and theme, but the overall is much better.

More importantly, "The Wild Goose Lake" is more significant to Diao Yinan than Hu Ge, and Hu Ge’s performance in it can be regarded as futile at best, but "Stop and Go" has opened up a new track for Hu Ge.

Let’s talk about the movie itself first.

"Stop and Go" is a very "small" movie.

It had nothing to do with grandeur. It was about the little things that happened to the little people, and the director didn’t have much ambition. He didn’t want his movie to be linked to the big word "era".

The key word for the film is two words, go home. To put it more bluntly, it is the other two words, lie flat.

Wu Di, the protagonist played by Hu Ge, belongs to the North Drift Return crowd.

He worked as a screenwriter in Beijing, but he repeatedly hit a wall, and eventually failed in his emotional career and couldn’t get along, so he returned to his hometown of Sichuan.

In crime movies, this kind of person is most likely to have a big vote, but in literary movies, the trash will of course continue to live in a way that is heartbroken but free on the surface.

After Wu Di returned to his hometown, he immediately entered a state of mixed eating and waiting to die. A scene that reflects his state is that he is mixed in a group of the elderly queuing up to get eggs.

This scene also formed a connection with the main storyline, Gao Yuanyuan played the heroine Feng Liuliu appeared, as the host of the TV station, she was shooting this group of eggs for the elderly, but accidentally found high school classmate Wu Di mixed in.

Therefore, she came up with an idea to make a documentary with Wu Di as the protagonist.

Feng Liuliu’s behavior of shooting whatever he wants is very inconsistent with the tonality of local TV stations. The local stations in our impression, in addition to broadcasting painless advertisements and selling drugs for the elderly, will at most provide local leaders with a platform to show their self-charm. A host casually catches an old classmate and wants to shoot a documentary. This is nonsense among nonsense.

But nonsense is nonsense, the scene where Wu Di and Feng Liuliu met for the first time was really good.

Fortunately, the description of the characters.

The highlight is in the conversation between the two.

Wu Di met Feng Liuliu and was a little embarrassed, saying that he was "Gap". This reaction was very accurate. He bluntly said that he was unemployed and went home. Although he was honest, he was too sad, which would make the temperament of the film dim all of a sudden. He pretended to say that he actually had a job and just went home for vacation, and it was too hypocritical, which made the character unpleasant. He said that he was in "Gap", which was in line with the characteristics of the character as a literary youth.

Feng Liuliu is the character of an idealist in the film, and her ideas are relatively simple, which is also in line with the appearance of the actor. After all, if she grows into Gao Yuanyuan, she will not be beaten too much in reality. The characteristics of idealists are that they are easy to fake and empty, like to talk useless big words, and are especially willing to pretend to be very realistic. When she met Wu Di, she wanted to make a documentary, and she also said this sentence:

Middle-aged people like you often face a double burden.

Note that it’s not just middle-aged male characters who have fatherhood.

Wu Di’s reaction was very good. He didn’t think he was a middle-aged man, so he was stunned. He repeated the words "middle-aged man", but it became a question.

You look at Wu Di as if he should have eaten and slept when he returned home, but in fact, he didn’t. At this moment, he was stunned and exposed everything. Wu Di was just running away from his failure like a child.

Feng Liuliu took it well, saying that you are two months older than me, why are you not middle-aged?

Wu Di took it better. He didn’t follow the topic and turned a corner. What he said was:

You still remember my birthday.

The oppressive atmosphere caused by Feng Liuliu not speaking human words was instantly reversed, and Wu Di’s personality characteristics were once again highlighted. More importantly, the relationship between the two people was brought closer by this line.

In the film, Feng Liuliu may not really take Wu Di’s birthday seriously. Wu Di is very surprised. It is probably a reaction at that time. It does not mean that he will rekindle love because of this information point, but in the eyes of the audience, they will naturally look forward to something happening between them.

This made the movie look good. Many viewers would subconsciously shy away from literary films because some directors of literary films were too boring to film. Whether or not the artistry was put aside for the time being, and the audience could not see it, it would be difficult to find your artistic exploration and ideological expression.

The advantages and disadvantages of "Stop and Go" are symbiotic. His advantages are that the details are handled humanely, the characters are fresh enough, the lines are well written, and the rhythm is properly arranged. The disadvantage is that the living environment provided to the protagonist Wu Di in the film is a purified ideal world, as if as long as he returns home, everything will really be quiet, and even the opportunity to realize his ideal will appear.

Feng Liuliu made a documentary for Wu Di, saw the script written by Wu Di, and suggested that he make a movie. As a result, Wu Di really started filming.

This matter is no longer science fiction, and can basically be included in the category of magic.

Wu Di, who failed in Beipiao, should understand what the three words of making a movie mean. Don’t look at the Apple advertisement saying that you need a mobile phone to make a movie. Although Xu Lei used his father to make "Sherlock on the Plain", it also cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Of course, Wu Di had no money, so Wu Di’s mother gave Wu Di his father’s private money, but it was not much, 10,000 yuan.

What if there are no actors? His mother, Jiang Meiling, is the female lead, and the male lead? Call Lao Li, the pillar of the drama troupe. Lao Li also cooperated very much, and he was so idle that he agreed immediately.

Wu Di could be both a director and a screenwriter, so where could he find a photographer? Feng Liuliu didn’t want to make a documentary, but the TV station had a photographer. Coincidentally, this photographer liked Ozu as much as Wu Di, and also had the dream of making movies, so he was willing to volunteer labor, so he didn’t have to worry about the equipment, so he just appropriated it.

All the idealists in Sichuan surrounded Wu Di.

It has to be said that when these "golden fingers" accumulate to a certain extent, the reality of the film has been stripped away. In a sense, it is no different from a martial arts film. The difference is that martial arts may really exist, but the vacuum environment Wu Di is in is absolutely impossible to exist.

But what’s great about "Stop and Go" is that it held me back with characters and details.

I knew that the movie was a nonsense, but I was still attracted by it. I knew that there wasn’t much left in the movie’s reality, but I was still moved by the characters in the movie.

This is a very contradictory point, but it also reflects a certain dilemma faced by domestic film creators. Some of them are really good at making movies, especially writing single scenes, and know how to impress audiences, but the subject matter they have to deal with is likely to be either as distorted as air or as tasteless as water.

The scenes in the main plot of "Stop and Go" were shot with a high degree of completion, vividly portraying the Wu Di family and Lao Li and other characters, completing each single scene with great fun, and also making the emotional concentration become higher and higher in the development of the film’s plot. Finally, Wu Di’s father made up the shots for his deceased wife, which reached the peak of the moving level.

As far as the temperament of the film is concerned, there is a bit of Woody Allen’s taste. The director not only pays tribute to Woody Allen with the name of the male lead and the poster on the wall, but also has a touch of humor and sadness.

What really made me like the movie more than disappointed was the director’s handling of the ending.

If something really happened to Wu Di and Feng Liuliu in the film, then the film would be completely deflated. The director is very smart, and at the end of the film, Wu Di took over his sister’s class and became a taxi driver. The driving encountered congestion, and as a result, he met Feng Liuliu’s family who had been reunited with his ex-husband. Two lanes, two people and two cars stopped and stopped, the cars did not intersect, and there was no conversation. Everything was just right, with a little regret, but isn’t life like this?

This ending is ingenious enough, designed and natural. It is the point of the full score composition, but it is not so contrived, which is in line with the overall life flow of the film.

The director will arrange for Wu Di to become a taxi driver at the end, indicating that he knows what reality is like, and that he can make Wu Di and the others’ filming process interesting, indicating that he knows what life is like, but unfortunately, he still failed to find the perfect balance between realism and literary temperament. Inevitably, there will be distortion, but since the completion is high enough, many audiences, including me, can tolerate its shortcomings.

In other words, this is indeed a movie with a good sentence but no good chapter, but compared to many domestic films that don’t even have a good sentence, it is already a general among the shorts.

For Hu Ge, the significance of this film is that it allows Hu Ge to meet a particularly suitable role for him, that is, a dejected Wenqing boy with a bit of optimism.

In addition, although it is a bit far-fetched to classify "Stop and Go" as a comedy, if Hu Ge can use this film to realize that he can do comedy, and other directors can also see Hu Ge’s potential in comedy films, it will open up a few new possibilities for Hu Ge’s acting career.


The sapphire screen has been completed, and the Huawei P7 has become the first model to be equipped

  [PConline Information]The mobile phone industry supply chain is gradually maturing and complete, and large manufacturers such as Huawei mobile phones have higher bargaining power in the selection of raw materials and accessories. And in the recently hyped sapphire screen, Huawei P7 has already used sapphire screen, becoming the first independent sapphire screen mass production model in the Chinese domestic market. The production process of such high-strength materials is not simple.

  Known by the media as "never wear" sapphire screen, it has a hardness second only to diamond, and its production and processing difficulty and high price have made it used in high-end watches and precision optical instrument lenses. With technological breakthroughs, sapphire can finally be applied to mobile phones. And Huawei has brought a new upgrade to the Huawei P7 mobile phone that has been put into mass production with the help of sapphire technology. This 4G mobile phone released in Paris, France won the Best Consumer Smartphone Award in Europe for its good shape design and user experience. After getting the configuration of the new sapphire screen, it will become stronger and more perfect.

  The bubble production method, the most important technology in the production of sapphire raw materials, not only determines the output of sapphire, but also determines the final quality of the material. Due to the complex process and long production cycle, the production of sapphire materials suitable for industrial fields places strict requirements on equipment and production environment. Because of this, as of today, only a few companies can produce sapphire materials for screens.

  In 2013, Apple invested a huge amount of 578 million US dollars in cooperation with GTAT, the world’s largest crystal manufacturer, to buy out GTAT’s future production of sapphire long-crystal furnace equipment. Faced with the situation of "blockade" of raw materials in a short period of time, Huawei, which has the ability to regulate the industry chain, actively deploys resources to promote the improvement of the domestic sapphire industry chain. While the media is paying attention to the expansion of production capacity of Apple’s sapphire production plant in the United States, China’s local sapphire suppliers have taken the lead in releasing 150 kilograms of sapphire crystals in the world.

  While obtaining scarce raw materials, Huawei has not relaxed its control over product quality. Since sapphire itself is a brittle material, the industry has always questioned its tolerance. Huawei and suppliers have conducted many tests to optimize the quality of the material. After the in-situ annealing of the long crystal rear section, crystal brick cutting, wafer grinding, and re-annealing after polishing, Huawei’s production of sapphire screens has not only eliminated the internal stress of sapphire, but also significantly improved the strength of sapphire. This meticulous attitude towards quality requirements may be more important than the more important use of high-end configurations.


  Over the past decade or so, Huawei’s pursuit of leading technology and cutting-edge quality has never been slack. In 2013, Huawei’s investment in research and development reached 30.70 billion yuan, equivalent to about 5.10 billion US dollars, accounting for 12.8% of the annual sales revenue. This is the tenth consecutive year that Huawei has maintained its R & D investment at a high level of no less than 10% of revenue, far exceeding the average level of 6-8% prevailing in the "Global Top 500". As China gradually becomes the world’s largest consumer market for smartphones, to break the monopoly of imported brands in the high-end market, only through continuous investment in R & D and continuous innovation of product technology.


     In the manufacturing process of Huawei P7 sapphire screen. Due to the existence of sapphire material is hard, high surface energy, poor adhesion of the special finger, the screen processing process is slightly careless can lead to complete destruction of the material. How does the edge processing of sapphire not produce collapse? How to punch holes in the cover plate? Nowadays, the CNC numerical control machine tool hyped by many mobile phone brands can no longer meet the production and processing of sapphire screens. For this reason, Huawei has specially selected a supplier with processing patented technology, using the world’s leading laser non-destructive cutting and precision edge polishing process to solve the problems in the production process.

    In the ink silk screen printing and AF coating process, Huawei has conducted more in-depth and detailed research. Through the adjustment of ink formula and composition, after testing dozens of ink schemes and adjusting the ink baking process, Huawei finally found an ink suitable for sapphire; in the process of developing new AF materials, in order to obtain an ultra-silky and highly wear-resistant anti-fingerprint AF film, Huawei adjusted the coating process according to the actual production experiment. During the production process, it also conducted a steel wool wear resistance test, which reached 5,000 cycles, and finally passed the material improvement and process optimization. It is the adherence to the quality-focused strategy over the years that has allowed Huawei’s rigorous and pragmatic attitude to be integrated into every detail of the mobile phone.

  For the vast majority of Chinese consumers, simply having the best configuration is not enough to be called the best product, because the high-end configuration may not match the daily usage habits of consumers; for Huawei, there are always some steps that must be taken to transform cutting-edge manufacturing technology into a satisfactory product experience for Chinese consumers.

  An internal confidential material with version number V1.0 clearly records Huawei’s rigorous product testing content, involving dozens of tests such as stress, drop, temperature, electromagnetism, and saline-alkali corrosion. In order to test the reliability of the mobile phone, a variety of scene modes such as free fall, low temperature controlled drop, and roller drop are set up in the drop process alone, and the test qualification standard is even set as many as 4,000 times for common micro-drops. For the huge environmental differences between northern and southern China, Huawei even specially set artificial sweat to test whether the mobile phone can maintain normal mechanical and electrical performance under complex use conditions after being immersed in saline-alkali corrosive liquid.


  The production of Huawei Sapphire P7 in 2014 also went through dozens of complex tests such as four-point bend test, ball drop test, extrusion test, transmittance test, hardness test, coating test, TP/LCD test, drum test, drop test, high temperature and humidity test, etc., which proved the excellent product quality of Huawei P7 and verified the leading industry standard of Huawei mobile phone in hardness, temperature, signal and other performance indicators.

The new M5 will be released soon, with a completely blackened body and a closed front face, and the price is expected to be lowered again.

A few days ago, the official released a new official map. As an annual redesigned model, the car has added a car paint color scheme, and blackened the LOGO, wheels, window trims and other places. As the time to market approaches, the new real car has also been exposed.

From the design point of view, the new model M5 has made a series of adjustments to the front face and details, among whichThe extended range version also adopts a closed front face design, and the air inlet is reserved below. At the same time, the Logo and wheels of the car head are blackened and equipped with red brake calipers.Everywhere caters to younger consumers.

However, at present, the car has not exposed specific power parameters. It is reported that the new car will be officially released at the auto show, and the price should be adjusted accordingly. What do you think of the comparison? How much do you think the new M5 should cost? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss. See you next time.

The homogeneity of goods is serious, and the ten yuan store standing at the crossroads

  The homogeneity of goods is serious, and the quality is also criticized by consumers

  The ten dollar store standing at the crossroads

  "I love going to the ten-dollar store because I know I can afford everything in it," Xiaolin told reporters. But recently, she found that in the ten-dollar store she frequented, there were fewer and fewer real 10-yuan items, and earphones that used to cost only 15 yuan had risen to nearly 50 yuan.

  In the past two years, grocery stores represented by "Mingchuang Premium Products" have blossomed everywhere. Some small goods such as headgear and tableware have been delicately packaged and placed in bright stores. Most of them sell for less than 10 yuan, which is very popular with consumers. However, recently, reporters visited a number of small commodity stores and found that the proportion of goods within 10 yuan has dropped significantly, and 100 yuan goods have gradually entered the room. Some products are not only seriously homogenized, but also criticized by consumers. Some stores also rely on "fake discounts" to attract consumers.

  Experts say that today’s consumer demand is changing very fast, and the ten yuan store is also standing at a crossroads, and the goods are being upgraded and graded rapidly. In such a market, it is difficult for the ten yuan store to maintain the goods at a certain price for a long time. The operators of the ten yuan store also use 10 yuan goods to attract customers, and use higher-priced goods to profit.

  Mingchuang Premium: less than one-third of the 10 yuan product

  Last Tuesday evening, the reporter visited the Mingchuang Premium Store on the first floor of Yuedu Hui Shopping Mall in Xicheng District. The store has a wide range of kitchen and bathroom utensils, small household items, electronic products, and other products, and the sales prices are also uneven. Most small daily necessities are 10 yuan, the price of toys ranges from 25 yuan to 50 yuan, and the price of electronic products is basically more than 30 yuan.

  Mr. Zhu picked out a power bank priced at 89.9 yuan and was ready to go to the checkout page to check out. When queuing up, he opened the mobile phone shopping software and found that it was also a 10,000 mAh power bank, and the price of the Xiaomi brand power bank was only 79 yuan. Mr. Zhu, who quit the checkout line, put the power bank back on the shelf. "Xiaomi specializes in mobile phones and accessories. The quality should be more reliable than Mingchuang Youpin, but the price is cheaper than here."

  Among electronic products, there is a small aromatherapy humidifier of 99 yuan that is very attractive. The machine is in the shape of a vase, and the bottle mouth emits light smoke. The bottle is equipped with a light, and the light will change to different colors. Then the reporter searched on Taobao and found that the price of an air humidifier of the same specification is between 50 yuan and 100 yuan. Customer Xiaomei told reporters that this aromatherapy humidifier looks similar to a certain humidifier of Muji, but it is cheaper, so it has attracted many people’s attention. But after buying it back, he found that the amount of fog is very small. In less than a few months, not only the light is not on, but also the spray is not sprayed.

  Since its establishment in 2013, Miniso has entered large and small shopping malls, many of which are in prime locations. Open the map and the reporter can find nine branches of Miniso within a five-kilometer radius. Recently, according to several media reports, Miniso is planning an initial public offering, raising about 1 billion US dollars. As the business expands rapidly, many consumers say that Miniso, which originally attracted people with "10 yuan high-quality life", is now more and more expensive. The product with the most concentrated complaints is the mobile phone data cable. Several customers said, "The Apple mobile phone data cable that used to be only 15 yuan has now risen to 49.9 yuan, or even more expensive." The reporter found in the store that, as consumers said, the data cable was priced at 49.9 yuan and 59.9 yuan. Subsequently, the reporter randomly selected 50 products in the Mingchuang Premium Store, only 17 of which were priced at 10 yuan or less. These low-priced products were concentrated in the categories of daily chemical products and small household accessories.

  Nomi Home Furnishing: I see the discount label but not the price discount.

  Zhang Xiaoyang (a pseudonym), who often visits Nomi Home Furnishings, has been a little confused recently: the store is clearly full of yellow labels with "50% off for two pieces and 40% off for three pieces", and the store’s radio is also broadcasting "End-of-season clearance, some products are discounted". Zhang Xiaoyang specially asked the clerk which discounts were on, and the clerk waved his hand and said that the ones with the yellow labels were all discounted. So Zhang Xiaoyang happily picked up the discounted labels on the shelf, and in order to collect the 40% off quantity, she specially picked three pieces. "Because I am very familiar with this store, I always feel that the price is wrong when I walk out of the store, because the cashier didn’t give me a receipt at the time, so I went back to ask for it. After seeing it, I realized that I didn’t give me a penny discount." The checkout page explained that the labels on the shelves were for the promotion of the store, and it did not mean that the items below the labels would be discounted. "I feel like I’m being cheated. If the store didn’t put discounted labels on it, I would definitely not buy so many pieces."

  At noon on weekdays last week, the reporter visited Nomi Home Furnishing, which Zhang Xiaoyang described on Qianmen Street. The store is simple and large, and it sells mostly women’s and children’s products. When the reporter asked whether the labeled goods were all discounted, the clerk replied: "Not necessarily."

  Most of the stationery, snacks, tableware and other items sold by Nomi Home Furnishing cost 10 yuan or less, while many other categories, such as aromatherapy machines, speakers, power banks, etc., cost around 100 yuan. Ms. Wu, who was shopping with a full shopping basket, told reporters that what attracted her to the store was that the prices of many small goods were relatively close to the people, and there would be discount activities. "But not all goods are discounted, and the prices of many goods are indeed not cheap. Sometimes when you have a good time shopping, you will buy some expensive goods." Ms. Wu dug out a 239 yuan dress in the shopping basket and told reporters.

  In the ten yuan store, there are a lot of "hundred yuan goods"

  With the improvement of citizens’ consumption level, more and more well-packaged small commodity stores have opened into the mall. From sewing boxes, screwdrivers, rubber bands to earphones, speakers, humidifiers, the price of goods can range from a few yuan to 100 yuan. When the reporter visited, he found that many goods in the "ten yuan store" that are really priced within 10 yuan are concentrated in stationery, tableware, snacks and other categories. And other types of goods in the store are not cheap.

  Unlike the aforementioned small commodity stores, which attract people with low prices and discounts, in the Jiumu grocery store, which is also blooming in major shopping malls, many products are more than 100 yuan, and only a few products are around 10 yuan. However, the chic design of the products still makes customers here crowded. The reporter found that the same size canvas bag is priced at about 40 yuan in the aforementioned grocery stores. The highest price here can be sold for 99 yuan. The price of children’s toys is mostly around 150 yuan. The price of various small accessories is also around 30 yuan. The goods under 10 yuan in the store are concentrated in the category of stationery, which accounts for a very small proportion. A mother and daughter were attracted by a pile of metal brooches, but when they saw the price of 35 yuan, they immediately called it "too expensive". A group of young people picked up the dinosaur gloves on the shelf and played with each other for a while, then finally dropped the gloves and left.

  Founded in 2015, Ximei Eslite’s store design is very similar to that of Mingchuang Youpin: a white door face and a store logo with white characters on a red background. Last Friday afternoon, the reporter visited Ximei Eslite, which is located on the first floor of Soxiu City, Chongwenmen Street. At this time, there were more than a dozen customers in the store, all of whom were young women. The reporter randomly selected 30 items in the store, 12 of which were 10 yuan or less.

  The ** (The Green Party) located in Guorui Shopping Center is located between the famous brand counters in the mall. According to the rough statistics of the reporter, only about 30% of the 10 yuan goods in the store.

  Expert Reviews

  Consumer demand changes rapidly, and it is difficult for ten yuan stores to maintain average prices

  Why are there not many "ten yuan goods" in the ten yuan store? Yang Qingsong, secretary general of the China General merchandise Business Association, told the Beijing Evening News that this is related to the consumer market. "In the period of very fast economic development, it is difficult for small commodity stores to maintain most goods at a certain price and remain unchanged for a year or two."

  Yang Qingsong said that according to the law, average price stores can actually achieve relatively large development when the commodity economy is relatively stable. Because at such a stage, market consumption is very stable, the price, variety and quality of consumer goods are in a state of balance, and the profit of average price stores can be relatively flat. However, in the stage of rapid economic development and large changes, there is no market for average price stores. "The momentum of Mingchuang Youpin was very strong in the first two years, but now consumer demand changes very quickly, and commodities are constantly being upgraded. In such a market environment, it is difficult to have the soil of average price. In order to attract consumers, Mingchuang Premium and similar small commodity stores need to constantly adjust and upgrade, and make changes in categories, and prices will also show diversity. "

  As for the number of "100-yuan goods" popping up in the 10-yuan store, Yang Qingsong said that the general retailer’s strategy will distinguish between goods with passenger flow and goods with gross profit. For some goods, consumers are very sensitive to its price, and retailers will make enough low prices to attract consumers. For other goods, consumers are relatively less sensitive to its price, and rarely pay attention to how much more expensive this one is than that one, so such goods can be profitable.

  Photo by our reporter, Xie Yuhang

The Civil Aviation Administration reiterates the regulations on passengers carrying "power banks" on flights

  On August 14, the Civil Aviation Administration issued a notice reiterating the relevant regulations on passengers carrying power banks on flights:

  It is strictly forbidden to carry power banks in checked baggage.

  It is strictly forbidden to carry power banks with a rated energy of more than 160Wh; power banks with a rated energy of more than 100Wh but not more than 160Wh must be approved by the airline and must not exceed two.

  Third, it is strictly forbidden to carry power banks with unclear markings.

  IV. It is strictly forbidden to use the power bank during the flight.

  Fifth, it is strictly forbidden to carry power banks for non-personal use.

  Those who violate the above provisions will be dealt with severely by the public security organs according to the circumstances and in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

  The above provisions also apply to the crew.