Why is Apple’s folding screen so "difficult to produce" when getting up early and catching up late?

Original Du Zhiqiang titanium media

Image source: unsplash

▎ If Apple’s folding screen is released in 2027, then, in the face of Samsung and Huawei, which have been marketized for nearly 10 years, can Apple still "crush it"?

Author | Du Zhiqiang

Edit | Zhong Yi

This article is the first titanium media APP.

Recently, Apple, whose market value has evaporated by more than one trillion yuan, has become the target of "singing down" in the market. As a product that contributed more than half, the sales of iPhone in China market plummeted by 24% at the beginning of the year, which attracted many investors’ concerns.

For the iPhone, although it occupies an absolute leading position in the global high-end smart phone market, the innovation of squeezing toothpaste every year attracts many users’ dissatisfaction. After the strong return of Huawei, the position of iPhone in China market has also been faltering. As far as the current environment is concerned, AI will be a lifeline for Apple in the short term, but the specific planning and application are still unknown.

"Users and the market want to see Apple make real innovations in the form and design of products such as iPhone, instead of Applying a set of molds for many years," an industrial chain person spoke to the titanium media app.

Folding screen, as a category that has been in mass production for 5 years, has become a sharp weapon for non-iOS mobile phone camp to break through in the high-end market, and the market is also looking forward to the release of Apple folding screen.

Although Apple’s style is "conservative" and the requirements for products are very high, the folding screen has been delayed, which also puzzles many fruit powders. Before, there were many rumors in the market, but in the end they all went away.

Judging from the current news, Apple’s folding screen has been developed for several years and will be released around 2027, the 20th anniversary of the release of the iPhone. However, at that time, in the face of Samsung and Huawei, which have been marketized for nearly 10 years, can Apple’s folding screen be "crushed by the latecomers"?

Mobile phone, tablet, PC, what will be Apple’s first folding screen?

Counterpoint predicts that by 2027, the global shipment of folding screen smartphones is expected to exceed 100 million units. CICC research also pointed out that the iteration of folding screen products will accelerate in 2022, and it is estimated that the global shipment of folding screen mobile phones is expected to reach 80 million units in 2025.

It is worth mentioning that statistics show that the interest rate of iOS users in folding screen mobile phones has reached 58%, and rumors about Apple’s folding screen planning and cancellation in the market have been constant.

At the beginning of the year, it was reported that Apple suspended the development of the foldable iPhone because of concerns about the durability of the folding screen. It is understood that Apple has been in contact with Samsung Display and LG Display before, but from the samples given, it still does not meet Apple’s standards, which is the main reason why Apple suspended the foldable iPhone project.

However, judging from the progress of related patents, Apple is still accelerating the layout of folding screen products.

A few days ago, the list published by the US Trademark and Patent Office showed that Apple obtained a patent on folding screen, covering a variety of products including iPhone, tablet computer and notebook computer. By making textured glass by chemical method, the problem of glass breakage at the folding place is solved. Moreover, it can effectively deal with the crease problem of the folding screen.

It is also reported that Apple transferred some core personnel of the Apple Vision Pro team to the folding screen project team, and internal executives revealed that the release of the first folding screen iPhone will be postponed until 2026, and more advanced technologies will be adopted, which is expected to be thinner and lighter than competitors’ models.

Regarding the release plan of this online foldable iPhone, Tianfeng International analyst Guo Ming Yi said that his latest survey shows that the only foldable product that Apple has a clear development schedule at present is the MacBook with a display of about 20.3, which is expected to be mass-produced in 2027.

In addition, the above-mentioned industry chain people told the titanium media App that Apple will enter the folding screen market with a high probability, but the test will be the iPad first, not the iPhone. Let’s look at the market reaction of the folding screen through the market reaction.

What is certain is that Apple has been developing foldable products for many years. What is uncertain is what Apple’s first foldable screen product will be, which may be a mobile phone, a tablet or a laptop.

Titanium Media App believes that from the perspective of market maturity, mobile phones and tablets are more likely. If it is a mobile phone, it will be listed on the occasion of the 20 th anniversary of the release of the iPhone. If it is a tablet, it is more likely to test the water first in 2026 and explore the road for the foldable iPhone in the following year.

Get up early and catch up with late episodes.

The picky apple is "too slow"

It has been more than five years since the release of the first mass-produced folding screen. In the past five years, the number of folding screen players has expanded from Samsung and Huawei to Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo and Glory, and the double-digit growth rate has also become a "clean stream" in the declining mobile phone market.

Although the current volume of the folding screen is not very large, one thing is certain, the direction of the folding screen is not wrong. In the view of Titanium Media App, the innovation of the current smart phone market has reached a bottleneck period. Before revolutionary innovation, folding screens are the right direction for mobile phone manufacturers to seek increments and enhance their experience.

Image source: IDC

According to the latest data released by IDC, the China folding screen mobile phone market shipped about 7.007 million units in 2023, up 114.5% year-on-year. Since the launch of the first product in 2019, the folding screen mobile phone market in China has grown by over 100% year-on-year for four consecutive years.

Guo Tianxiang, a senior analyst of IDC China, revealed to Titanium Media App that according to the forecast data of IDC in November 2023, the expected shipment of folding screen mobile phone market in China will be around 10 million in 2024, with the year-on-year growth rate still exceeding 50%, continuing the trend of rapid growth.

Talking about the rapid development of folding screen mobile phones, Zhao Jun, CEO of TCL Huaxing, told Titanium Media App last year, "About five years ago, folding mobile phones began to enter consumers’ field of vision. Three years ago, the market size of folding mobile phones was less than 1 million. This year, the market size of the whole folding mobile phone is close to 20 million, probably between 18 million and 20 million. The global shipment of folding mobile phones is basically growing at several times a year. We believe that folding mobile phones are the main innovation and growth point of product innovation and iteration in the field of smart phones. "

In an article about Apple Vision Pro, Vanity Fair revealed that on the edge of Infinite Loop in Apple’s old campus, there is an unremarkable low-rise building called "Mariani 1", which contains some imaginary products that Apple is developing, including the foldable iPhone.

Domestic folding screen products in 2023, titanium media App drawing

Compared with Samsung and Huawei, Apple’s research on foldable products is not too late, and may even be earlier. However, in terms of the progress of mass production and the attitude towards the market, Apple is much slower. Even if the product requirements are high, if the foldable product is released in 2026, it will be seven years later than Samsung and Huawei.

In contrast, Apple Watch is only two or three years later than Samsung. According to the incomplete statistics of Titanium Media App, in 2023, a total of 7 domestic brands released 13 folding screen products, including left and right folding and up and down folding. Among the head brands, Apple has not released related products.

In fact, it is understandable that the foldable project has been "difficult to produce" because Apple is so slow. On the one hand, folding screens are currently aimed at high-end user groups, which is a weapon for domestic brands to break through, and this is also the main battlefield of iPhone. From the perspective of sales volume, the core position of iPhone in the high-end market has not wavered. In addition, although the folding screen has a high growth rate, the tens of millions of volumes are still a small category compared with the annual sales of smart phones exceeding 1 billion. Therefore, the smaller competitive pressure has not made Apple feel a sense of urgency.

On the other hand, there are still many problems with folding screens, such as creases, especially small creases, which will become more obvious after long-term use. There are also the balance between thinness and performance, system-level optimization, etc., which are also the development problems faced by folding screens. But in the face of the future, there is still a question. By 2026, can Apple really solve these problems? Or can’t Huawei and Samsung solve it?

In addition, considering the impact of the iPhone in the market, even if the volume is currently small, Apple should indeed accelerate the mass production of folding screen products. Guo Ming said that the market consensus of iPhone shipment in 2024 was 220-225 million units, and now it has started to be repaired, and it is close to its previous forecast of 200 million units. Guo Tianxiang pointed out that the folding screen, which has greatly improved the product form, is more likely to attract consumers’ attention and stimulate their desire to change machines.

More challenges lie ahead.

For Apple, once the folding screen product is launched, the initial big sale is foreseeable, and its strict requirements will inevitably lead to the promotion of the entire foldable industrial chain. It is understood that Samsung Display is a panel company that has more scandals with Apple. It is reported that if Apple mass-produces folding screen products around 2026, it will be exclusively supplied by Samsung Display, which has supplied panels for Samsung folding screen mobile phones for many years, and it will be more suitable for Apple’s requirements in terms of production and technical maturity.

However, in the later stage, based on cost considerations, Apple will also cooperate with more panel manufacturers, just like the straight iPhone, which will promote the improvement of domestic panel supply chain technology. At present, in the folding screen supply chain, domestic products are on the rise, but we must also recognize the gap. For example, in the folding screen patent, according to Watt Intelligence, the folding screen patent obtained by Samsung Display is four times that of global competitors, and it is still far ahead.

As one of the most anticipated products in the market, in addition to the release time, there are still many challenges before Apple. First, how to set the price. As we all know, the current price of iPhone has exceeded 10,000 yuan. How to divide the price of foldable version from that of straight screen, and in which range, is something that needs careful consideration. After all, no matter how strong the product is, once the price exceeds five figures, many people will still be discouraged.

The second is how to balance the product form, lightness and performance, and the choice of folding form. Guo Tianxiang pointed out that "thinness" has become the primary factor affecting consumers’ choice of folding screen mobile phones. However, if the pursuit of "thinness" blindly leads to the decline of reliability, it will directly affect consumers’ long-term choices in the future.

At the same time, the overall cost of up and down discounts is lower, which will attract more female users. However, from the perspective of usage scenarios, the experience brought by big discounts will be better. IDC’s data also points out that although the price of vertical folding products is relatively lower, horizontal folding products have been favored by more consumers in China because they can better reflect the big screen experience of folding screen mobile phones.

"In 2023, the market share of cross-folded products increased to 68.1%, up 10.4 percentage points year-on-year. At present, in addition to being convenient to carry, consumers still lack the necessary use scenarios, and there is also a significant gap between the experience and the straight board machine at the same price, and there is still room for improvement in product quality. "

Finally, it is the experience of software. For a folding screen, if you just make the screen bigger, it will only make this category "chicken ribs". After doing a good job in hardware experience, how to make users feel the improvement brought by folding screen in software ecology is particularly important.

Guo Tianxiang told Titanium Media App that when everyone’s hardware enters a basically similar situation in the future, the software experience will become more and more important. To really make consumers use folding screen products for a long time, it is still necessary to create more suitable use scenarios through software and give full play to the characteristics and advantages of folding screens.

At present, the whole folding screen industry is still rushing, which is just Apple’s current "dilemma". More importantly, it may be to solve the problem of EU fines and accelerate the process of AI. As for the folding screen, what the market hopes is not to "skip the ticket". After all, the ten-year plan to build a car can be abandoned, and the foldable iPhone has to be a big question mark.

(This article is the first titanium media App)

Original title: "Why is Apple’s folding screen so difficult to produce?" 》

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Fan Bo: Artificial Intelligence Opens a New Chapter in Education

  With the rapid development of digital technology, artificial intelligence is becoming a core competitive advantage in the field of education. Its iterative upgrading has not only brought revolutionary changes to teaching practice, but also brought unprecedented creativity to the education industry. Ms. Fan Bo, general manager of Aiqiyi Quanzhixin Education, pointed out: With the development of artificial intelligence, it marks that the field of education is moving towards a brand-new era.

Fan Bo, General Manager of Quanzhixin Education

  First of all, in terms of teaching mode, the application of artificial intelligence is changing the traditional dual structure of "teacher-student" and introducing the ternary teaching mode of "teacher-student-machine". The support of intelligent teaching tools and platforms has become the key. These tools can not only provide personalized learning paths, but also provide accurate teaching feedback for teachers through data analysis, so as to realize personalized teaching, make up for the weak links of strengthening students and maximize the teaching effect.

  Secondly, under the teaching mode of man-machine cooperation, the role of teachers is changing. They are no longer simple knowledge transmitters, but become the motivators of students’ learning internal drive, guiding students to explore the ocean of knowledge. At the same time, teachers have changed from the leader of the teaching process to the leader of the education process, helping students to build a knowledge system and cultivate their autonomous learning ability.

  At the same time, students’ autonomous learning ability is particularly important in this process. With the great enrichment of educational resources and the expansion of educational space, students can study in a more diverse and open environment, which is no longer limited by traditional classrooms. The application of cognitive model has changed the way of knowledge production and knowledge dissemination, and brought far-reaching influence to the field of education.

  Ubiquitous education has once again taken the lead in educational innovation by using artificial intelligence (AIGC) technology, and launched a series of cutting-edge courses, aiming at training students to master and apply the latest AI-generated content (AIGC) technology. The courses of "AIGC Design" and "AIGC Writing" under the company are well received. At the same time, based on the existing audio and video transmission technology and intelligent network, Universal Education innovatively launched a variety of online education products and services, including live broadcast, interactive live broadcast, recording and broadcasting, interactive recording and broadcasting, AR, VR, MR and so on. Reach more users quickly and accurately through the big data intelligent recommendation system.

  Our "AIGC Design" course will teach students how to use AI tools for creative design, including graphic design, UI/UX design, animation production and other fields. The course covers the operation skills of AI design tools, the innovative application of design concepts, the acquisition of design core typesetting and color matching skills, the disassembly of aesthetic principles and practical cases, etc., in order to cultivate students’ innovative thinking and practical ability.

  The course "AIGC Writing" emphasizes practicality and innovation, especially its application in content creation, copywriting and news editing. The course will introduce the use of AI writing tools, teach students how to efficiently generate texts with AI assistance, and at the same time emphasize maintaining the unique perspective and creativity of human authors to ensure the originality and attractiveness of the content. In addition, the course also focuses on the creation and incubation of personal brands, guiding students how to give play to their personal interests and hobbies through creative content output, establish and enhance their personal IP influence, and achieve creative efficiency and dimension improvement, thus realizing more possibilities for self-media sideline and new careers. The project also won the award of "China Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise of the Year in 2023 -AIGC" in the new economic peak list of Ai Media, which is also a high recognition of the achievements of Universal Education in the field of AIGC.

  Universal education has always been committed to promoting the development of education through technological innovation, which not only responds to the demand for updating educational content in the digital age, but also provides students with the necessary skills to adapt to the future workplace and increase their competitiveness in their careers.

  In the future, Ubiquitous Education will continue to explore the deep integration and application of artificial intelligence technology and educational practice, provide students with more high-quality learning resources, and constantly promote the innovation and upgrading of education and teaching with the "golden key" of artificial intelligence.

Rumors stab in the back hurt many entertainment stars.

    In the afternoon, Sammo Hung finally answered the phone. He said that he was in Shandong and thanked all those who cared about him. He also said that he was drinking Pu ‘er leisurely and nothing happened at all.

    News shouldn’t rush into "heaven"

    The sudden death of Sammo Hung, a Hong Kong martial arts superstar, was revealed by a mainland media, which was proved to be an oolong incident within a day, which was a false alarm. Although Sammo Hung himself, who was at the filming scene, has not come forward to express his position on this matter, or even filed a lawsuit because of anger, the media should really reflect on itself in this matter: Is it because people are "written" to death for no reason?

    As a journalist, when a news event happens, the first thing that comes to mind is to spread it as quickly as possible. This is understandable and even commendable, but how to pay more attention to "authenticity" and "accuracy" on the basis of ensuring "speed" is often overlooked. It is written in black and white like this, and even if the parties come forward to clarify, their bad influence has already existed objectively. There are not a few stars who "come back from the dead" in recent years. Andy Lau, Zhao Benshan and others will mysteriously "disappear" many times in a year. They are too lazy to pay attention to these rumors, but for the public who have the right to know, "being cheated" is small, and "losing trust in the media" is big. The story of "the wolf is coming" is something we heard when we were children, but it is no entertainment when we grow up.

    The media fabricated false reports

    A few days ago, a mainland newspaper published a news titled "Twenty Years of Wulitou Stephen Chow (Q Bar) Celebration-premiered in Beijing on the 24th, and three" star girls "appeared together". According to the report, the premiere of "Changjiang No.7" was held in the Beijing Workers’ Gymnasium on January 24th, and at the same time, as a celebration of Stephen Chow’s 20 years of filming, Stephen Chow will make a full appearance with his master. Not only will Degang Guo lead the disciples of Deyun Society to co-chair with Ceng Baoyi and Lin Zicong, but Sharla Cheung, Karen Mok, Zhao Wei and other "star girls" as well as Feng Xiaogang, Ge You, Zhao Benshan, S.H.E and Cai Qin will all support him.

    China Film: A certain media "makes no sense" to mislead the audience

    In this regard, China Film Group, as the main investor of the film, responded that it was false news, and the premiere was indeed scheduled for the 24th, but the contents mentioned in the newspaper were not confirmed by the film, and they were all fabricated at random. A person in charge of China Film also said humorously that although Stephen Chow’s Wulitou is very popular, as a media, please don’t be "Wulitou". The media plays a guiding role for readers. Ordinary people generally can’t tell whether the news is true or false. The practice of fabricating news in order to attract attention will lead to bad social influence. In addition, according to the person in charge of China Film Publicity, "Changjiang No.7" will be premiered in several major cities in the mainland and several countries in Southeast Asia after its premiere in Hong Kong on the 23rd.

    At present, the premiere ceremony of "Changjiang No.7" in Beijing has been confirmed to be held in Happy Valley on 24th, and its title is tentatively "Stephen Chow has been filming for 20 years? Light and shadow stay in the New Year and be moved by the grand ceremony-cum the premiere ceremony of "Changjiang No.7" in China Lunar New Year. By the n, beijing happy valley will become the theme park of Changjiang No.7.

    A reader who claimed to be an extra actor in the drama "The Past in the South of the Yangtze River" telephoned the reporter and said, "At about 5 pm on the 9th, Zhou Jie had a conflict with a leading actress over the issue of leaving her position, and then Zhou Jie shouted’ Stop filming’. Just as Zhou Jie turned to leave, the actress suddenly made a remark that angered Zhou Jie. He turned and jumped on the other side to start work, but fortunately he was held by the staff, which did not lead to bad results. But Zhou Jie kept cursing the actress and swearing! It was not until the director and producer came forward that the storm was calmed down! " When the reporter asked which actress it was, the extra actress said that she only knew that she played Su Weici in the film. After checking the cast list of "The Past in the South of the Yangtze River", the reporter found that it was Shumei Lian who played Su Weici in the same company as Zhou Jie.

    Zhou Jie’s agent, Miss Huang, was contacted by the reporter. She said that she was not in Nanjing, but she talked to Zhou Jie on the phone every day. "He has been in a good mood recently and has never heard of any conflict with anyone. It is very li kely that it is a trial play, and the extras mistakenly think that there is a conflict. Besides, he and Shumei Lian both belong to our company, and they usually have a good relationship! " Zhu Zhiying, the producer of The Past in the South of the Yangtze River, told the reporter with a smile: "There was no Shumei Lian’s play that day, so how could there be a conflict? On that day, we filmed a big scene. There were more than 300 people on the scene. The scene was really chaotic, but there was no conflict. The actors are very dedicated, and Zhou Jie has been on the set all the time, and he keeps guiding young actors into the show. It must be a mistake! "

    Hu Mei held a press conference: there are many doubts

    At 9: 30 in the morning, the reporter received a text message: "At four o’clock today, director Hu Mei and her lawyer plan to hold a rumor conference on the online rumor article of actor Ding Jun, and you are invited to take the time to attend." In the afternoon, the reporter rushed to the press conference site, waited for nearly 40 minutes, but was told that director Hu Mei could not attend because of an important meeting. The reporters offered to interview Hu Mei himself, hoping that the press conference would be postponed or a short telephone connection would be made, but the alternative way was rejected. The producer, production director and lawyer of the 24-episode TV series "Deep Blue Sea", which was supervised by Hu Mei, said that they were authorized by Hu Mei to hold it on their behalf. However, as the press conference progressed, things became more and more suspicious and full of doubts …

    At eleven o’clock in the morning, director Hu Mei made a solemn statement on a portal website, at the beginning of which he wrote: "I was surprised to see a rumor article downloaded from famous websites such as XX and XXX from my assistant this morning …" Then he refuted the details of the article one by one. From morning till 11: 00 noon, director Hu Mei’s quick and fierce reaction is quite different from his previous style of dealing with the media.

    The four people who held the press conference on behalf of Director Hu Mei were the producers and production directors of the TV series "Blue Sea is De ep" and Hu Mei’s entrusted lawyer. In response to the reporter’s questions, they didn’t say anything further except emphasizing Director Hu Mei’s statement. The entrusted lawyer also said that he had just been entrusted. To in vestigate the criminal responsibility or civil liability of the rumor maker, "we still need to sue the object" and "it is not up to us to decide whether to find it, but to ask the public security department". These hasty answers are obviously unsatisfactory. The reporter inquired about it, and the answer was that the TV series was about to air. At the end of the press conference, one of the female producers also stepped down to send a "taxi fare" to the reporters present, which was rejected by some media.

    Hu Mei is a highly respected director in China. With his excellent works, the public and the media are generally in awe of him. Originally, it was a normal behavior to defend moral reputation. After a day of tossing, it seems to be a boring headless case. Only the dirty "hidden rules" hide in the dark. From beginning to end, the reporter has been paying attention to clues and trying to see through the true face behind this incident. Is it the ubiquitous entertainment law that makes the reporter’s vigilance too tight? Or the phrase "the curtain has just been opened" is chilling.

    Ding Jun reacted fiercely: he would not sell himself for hype.

    After director Hu Mei issued a statement, Ding Junwu Dandan and his wife called director Hu Mei’s assistant separately, saying that they didn’t know about the blog before, and they also wanted to investigate the source of the rumor. Wu Dandan, the wife of Ding Jun, sent a short message to Hu Mei, the director’s assistant yesterday afternoon: "The statement is to be sent. After all, we are also victims, but we are not public figures, and we have no spare money to hire someone to stare at the Internet for us every day, so we know it is too late. However, before the matter is investigated and cleared up, we think there are some inappropriate words in Hu Mei’s statement. Our level is not vulgar enough to use prostitution to speculate, and vicious people will show their tails sooner or later, so wait and see. "

    Wu Dandan then sent a text message again saying: "This matter is not just a statement for us. I think the nausea in our hearts should be solved through legal channels. I also hope that you will have a good look at the article written in the name of Ding Jun to analyze its authenticity! Solemnly declare that our nausea and anger are no less than yours! "

    Wu Dandan also sent a text message to Wang Lu, vice president of Shenzhen Dianguang Media, who attended the conference: "I wonder if this person wants to destroy Ding Jun or Hu Mei? Help me analyze it. "

    Morning News (Reporter Yang Lianjie) Andy Lau’s company, Yingyi Entertainment, invested in the filming of Crazy Stone in 2006, which was a great success. Since then, it has been famous in the industry for being good at discovering new directors. A few days ago, some people used the name of Yingyi Entertainment to promote their own films and actors, which led to the urgent rumor of Yingyi Entertainment.

    Recently, it has been reported that an actor is a new generation of young actors with full deductive ability, which was discovered by Andy Lau’s "Hong Kong Yingyi Entertainment Company" in China. It is also said that Yingyi Entertainment Company is holding the "Focus Fight II Open Recruitment Competition for Asian New Star Directors" to search for the next director Ning Hao, and that "the winner of the (director) will receive our direct investment without interfering with the creative process, and Andy Lau, the superstar himself, can participate in the performance unconditionally as needed, and at the same time invite some big directors as producers.’ At present, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and Tian Zhuangzhuang are all the targets we plan to invite.’ "

    In response to such news, Hong Kong Yingyi Entertainment Co., Ltd. urgently denied the rumor yesterday, saying that the news was not sent by their company, and was deeply dissatisfied that "the inaccurate news was widely reported, and at the same time, the report included false information that was inconsistent with the facts". The person in charge of the company said that Yingyi Entertainment does h ave a new shooting plan, Focus Fight, and is also recruiting writers, directors and actors. However, the news that Andy Lau created a new star mentioned in the report is all fiction. "Yingyi Entertainment has not reached any cooperation consensus with the actor and the production company starring in the film." Yingyi Entertainment said in a statement that Focus Fight is still in the stage of recruit ing writers, directors and actors. Interested parties can browse the details on their official website, and the details of the second round of recruitment of Focus Fight will be announced on the official website later.

    Entertainment circle is really dangerous.

    Entertainment circle is very dangerous, this sentence has been said by countless people countless times, but there are still countless men and women who sharpen their heads and want to get in, for the sake of course, the glamour floating in the world and the splendor of luxurious food. However, after hard work, some people became popular, some people crossed like meteors, and some people didn’t make it out at all. They paid hard work, sweat, tears and, I’m afraid, money and body.

    For young people who have just entered the industry, they know only a limited number of people in the circle. Of course, they should seize as much as possible if there is a seemingly insignificant opportunity, and this opportunity often seems mild and harmless. "Have dinner with director XXX and get familiar with it", that’s all. However, when this "director" painted an infinite bright future, and "accidentally" revealed that he was preparing to invest tens of millions of yuan in a big drama, and then said that "you have great potential, but you need to polish it carefully" and need to "talk to me alone", is it still up? For a newcomer, it is definitely a problem.

    Like the fake Andy Lau company recruiting directors and actors, I’m afraid many young people in the industry will be moved when they first hear it, and they can get a lift in Andy Lau. This is a blessing that has been repaired for many years! I believe that although the rumor is timely, many people have sent their resumes to be summoned.

    In the entertainment circle, strength is very important, and connections are more important. In an environment controlled by people, there are many shady things everywhere. It is probably not easy for anyone to get away with it.

Editor: Liu Li

5G commercial start-up operators push various promotions to further reduce the price of 5G mobile phones

  CCTV News:Personal mobile phone users will be able to use the 5G communication service from today (1st). In order to welcome the official commercialization of 5G, the three major operators have also launched a variety of promotional measures in combination with the newly launched 5G package.

  Yin Shaochun, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom Marketing Department:We are now carrying out the package reservation activities for old users through the mobile phone business hall. The current policy is that there will be a 30% discount for those who have been online for more than three years, and a 20% discount for those who have been online for less than three years.


  Lu Liangjun, Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Marketing Department:China Telecom launched cloud VR, cloud games and ultra-high-definition video when it was officially commercialized. It combines the characteristics of high traffic of 5G with the characteristics of cloud network integration of China Telecom, which will bring users a better audio-visual experience.

  China Mobile said that it will further reduce the price of 5G mobile phones and lower the threshold for users to replace 5G mobile phones.

  Shou Jianguo, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile Marketing Department:In the second quarter of next year, we will launch a mobile phone with a gear of 2000 yuan, and in the fourth quarter of next year, it is possible to launch a mobile phone with a gear of 1000 yuan. Then, in order to further lower the threshold for customers to replace 5G, China Mobile has also launched supporting preferential activities such as installment purchase of 5G mobile phone credit and worry-free replacement.

  The person in charge of the operator also said that at present, 5G is still in the initial stage of commercialization, and the network coverage is not perfect. There may be some problems in the use process. With the gradual advancement of commercialization, the construction of 5G networks will be accelerated.

Yang Jiang on reading: Don’t lose heart when you are frustrated, and don’t forget your shape when you are proud.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 25th. In the early morning of May 25th, 105-year-old Mr. Yang Jiang left.

  Mr. Yang Jiang was indifferent to fame and fortune, honest and honest all his life, just as she commented on the author of her translation Jill Brass: "He was arrogant and refused to cater to the atmosphere and attach himself to the nobles. He dares to attack the current abuses and is not afraid of offending the power. He doesn’t seek fame, and he only makes a living by writing all his life. "

  On being a man: strive to be an honest and sincere person who does not flatter, bully and abide by the principle of loyalty and forgiveness.

  Mr. Yang Jiang was born in Beijing on July 17, 1911, named Yang Jikang, the fourth daughter in his family. Her father, Mr. Yang Yinhang, served as the director of the Jiangsu Provincial High Court of Justice and the director of the Zhejiang Provincial High Court of Justice. His integrity and integrity had a great influence on the cultivation of her character. Yang Jiang once said: "In my life, I have been trying to be an honest and sincere person who does not flatter, bully and abide by the principle of loyalty and forgiveness." When I was in the second year of college, the teachers all thought that Yang Jiang had the conditions to study science. She asked her father for advice, and his father said, whatever you like best, you should study. She is not at ease: "I like literature, should I study literature?" Love reading novels and learning novels? " My father said that what I like is the closeness of sex, which is the most suitable for me. Under the guidance of her father, she finally chose her favorite liberal arts among liberal arts, regardless of the teacher’s regret and persuasion. After completing her studies, Yang Jiang devoted her life to creation and translation, which was also inseparable from her father’s influence, because his father said to her, "It is better to translate some valuable foreign works than to write empty articles." He also said: "Translation is promising."

  On reading: don’t lose heart when you are frustrated, and don’t forget your shape when you are proud.

  Mr. Yang Jiang loved literature since he was a child. If he didn’t read books for a week, he felt that "a week was in vain". Even when she was criticized for "reading for spiritual enjoyment" during the Cultural Revolution, she never let go of her books. Mr. Yang Jiang thinks that reading is like an "invisible" door-to-door: "If you want to see an admired teacher or visit a famous scholar, you don’t have to say hello in advance, just open the book and break into the door, and then turn over a few pages and enter the room; And you can always come and go, and if you can’t get to the point, you can leave without saying goodbye, or find another clever person to confront him. You can also listen to the anecdotes of the previous dynasties and learn the most mysterious innovative theories of the contemporary era. If the words are not speculative or unpleasant, you might as well pull yourself out or even slam the door, which means that no one will blame you if you close the book. Often in books ‘ Chuanmener ’ , you can get rich experience and meet all kinds of people at all times and places. Reading is like reading the world. Reading more can make you smarter and more mature. Even if you can’t be humiliated, you can learn to be frustrated. Don’t forget your shape. "

  Talking about creation: The stories created often surpass the author’s own experience in many ways.

  In her love of literature, Yang Jiang also started writing herself. Several of her short stories vividly outlined various characters, and the novel Bath even described the common "face" in the movement against the three evils. These works are full of wit and humor, but also permeated with insight into the world. However, Yang Jiang often said: "I am not a professional writer, but an amateur author. In my novels, all kinds of characters are bred in my mind, and the story is naturally composed of characters. " Readers often regard the plots of characters in Yang Jiang’s novels as true stories, but Yang Jiang thinks that an important component of creation is imagination. "Experience is like a fire lit in the dark, and imagination is the light emitted by this fire; Without fire, there is no light, but the light reaches far beyond the size of the fire. The stories created often surpass the author’s own experience in many ways. " Her husband, Qian Zhongshu, once urged her to write novels out of thin air.

  Some people have commented that Mr. Yang Jiang’s novels reflect the truth of life by dribs and drabs of personnel, and their brushwork is humorous and comic, which makes people think of Austin’s novels. After her dramas "Satisfied" and "Make True and Make False" created in the 1940s were put on the stage, they were also praised as "the two best comedies". These plays focus on petty-bourgeois youth to describe the world. They are good at joking without being sarcastic. Their humor is gentle and sincere. Moreover, what is hidden behind humor and ridicule is deep seriousness and sadness, which is reminiscent of several works she translated: Little lazarillo DE tormes, Jill Brass and Don Quixote. Just as her father asked her to study her "sex-similar" major, when she was engaged in translation, she also consciously or unconsciously chose her favorite works depicting little people with tears in their laughter.

  On translation: Being responsible for "foreign masters" is only for being loyal to domestic readers.

  Mr. Yang Jiang is a researcher at the Institute of Foreign Literature, China Academy of Social Sciences. Apart from writing academic papers, she spends the most time and is most praised for her highly translated works. She often said that translation is a chore, and a translator "has two masters" and has to serve two masters at the same time: "A foreign master is an original work, and every word of the original is required to be obeyed, and it is not allowed to disobey or perfunctory. The other master is the native readers of the translation. They not only want to see the original appearance, but also have to conform to their language habits. As a translator, I am right about ‘ Foreign master ’ Do your duty, just to be loyal to your readers. " For example, her translation of Little Lazarus on the Tomes River was originally called Little Lazarus, and the reason why she translated it into Little Lazarus was that she did her duty faithfully to her master and servant. In the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament, there is a leper named Lazarus. Later, this name refers to all lepers and beggars. At the same time, the lazarillo de tormes in Chinese refers not only to people with boils on their skin, but also to all rogue bachelors. The name "lazarillo de tormes" was used in the spoken language during the Tang and Five Dynasties, referring to rogues, as well as ruffian rogues in classical novels such as The Scholars and A Dream of Red Mansions, which are often called "Lazi" or "chili pepper".The name Lazarus also has the same meaning, so Yang Jiang skillfully translated the title into Little Lazarus.

  Mr. Yang Jiang’s early translation was encouraged by Mr. Fu Lei, and later Mr. Zhu Guangqian praised her translation. Mr. Dong Hengxun, an expert in American literature studies at the Institute of Foreign Languages, recalled that when he was studying at Peking University, he liked to go to Mr. Zhu Guangqian’s house with his classmates. As young students, they always like to ask strange questions, such as "Who is the best in English in China?" "Who is the best translator in China?" Mr. Zhu Guangqian replied that translation can be divided into three aspects: prose translation, poetry translation and theoretical translation. Yang Jiang is the best prose translator. However, Yang Jiang is very modest. She said that although her translation was praised by her predecessors, for example, Jill Brass, published by stages in the World Literature of the Foreign Languages Institute, was praised by the editor-in-chief Comrade Chen Bingyi, but she always felt that her translation was very poor. Once, she asked Qian Zhongshu to proofread it for her. Qian Zhongshu took a pencil and scratched her manuscript all over the paper, saying, "I don’t understand these." Yang Jiang said: "That’s what the book says." But Mr. Qian stressed: "I don’t understand." Yang Jiang understood that this was because she didn’t translate the original into understandable Chinese, so she continued to retranslate it until Mr. Qian nodded to show that she understood it. She also explored a higher translation level and said, "To talk about my translation skills,It’s all from these failed experiences. "

  After the death of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Mr. Yang Jiang translated Plato’s Phaedo at the age of nearly 90. This article on Socrates’ discussion of "soul" with his disciples before his death entrusted her with her deepest grief. People who have read The Three of Us are all shocked by their deep love and affection. In this essay, Yang Jiang, who is witty and humorous, sadly recalls the life of her husband Qian Zhongshu and her beloved daughter yuan qian. Although they are all trivial things, people who have read it are all moved. After the death of her husband and daughter, Yang Jiang, who lives alone with her nanny, is still optimistic and strong, and her workload is amazing. While sorting out the words left by Mr. Qian, the Commercial Press published the Collection of Qian Zhongshu Manuscripts. While I’m still trying to create. Walking to the Edge of Life, published in 2007, explores human soul, personality, nature, the struggle and unity between spirit and flesh, fate and destiny, and human civilization, and asks itself about birth, illness and death. Later, the companion piece "Sitting on the Edge of Life" is to answer readers’ various questions at the age of 100. "I am one hundred years old this year, and I have reached the edge of my life. I can’t know exactly how far I can go. My life span is involuntary, but I know very well that I am fast ‘ Go home ’ Yes. I have to wash away the filth that has been contaminated for a hundred years and go home. "

After playing the glory of the king for 3 hours, the young man stabbed himself 13 times. What happened? !

A small army lying in a hospital bed

A small army lying in a hospital bed

The wound on Xiaojun's wrist.

The wound on Xiaojun’s wrist.

  The 21-year-old Xiaojun hurried through the breakfast cooked by his mother and returned to the game world of "the glory of the king" — — He has been playing for three hours. Mother Wang Li went out to buy food. After more than 10 minutes, she suddenly received a phone call from her son and only heard a sentence "Help me"! When my mother came home, the scene in front of her still haunted her: there was a big pool of blood on the living room floor, and the blood spread to the bedroom. Lying in bed and covered in blood, my son pointed to a fruit knife and told his mother, "I pricked my own … …”

  Zi Niu journalist Ma Zhiya correspondent Zhou Yiwen/photo

  What happened?

  Stab yourself 13 times.

  The operation lasted for 5 hours.

  On the morning of the 6th, Xiaojun was lying on the hospital bed in the hand surgery ward of Xuzhou Renci Hospital, his eyes were wandering, but he would stay on the TV on the opposite wall from time to time, where an NBA basketball game was being broadcast. Xiaojun said that he used to like watching basketball very much. After he became addicted to online games, he seldom watched games.

  Xiaojun stabbed himself 13 times, and his arms, neck and abdomen were wrapped in gauze, but he seemed to recover well. Although the wound still hurts, every time his mother Wang Li hears his casual groan and asks, he always says "it doesn’t matter".

  After Xiaojun was injured and admitted to the hospital, Wang Li almost never left. Wang Li said that the child is introverted, but very obedient. She rarely scolds him at ordinary times. Now that the child has made a mistake, she can’t bear to be harsh.

  Talking about the child’s injury, 57-year-old Wang Li’s face is full of doubts. On the morning of December 1st, she cooked breakfast as usual. Xiaojun woke up early, holding his cell phone in bed. At 9 o’clock, Wang Li went out to buy food, and she casually greeted the child. More than 10 minutes later, while bargaining with vendors in the food market, Wang Li’s mobile phone rang. After being connected, she heard a painful voice: "Mom, help me!" "

  It only took Wang Li a few minutes to run home and open the door. The scene in front of her frightened her. There is a big pool of blood on the living room floor, and on the floor leading to the bedroom, it is like being drawn with a huge brush. Wang Li ran into the bedroom and found Xiaojun lying beside the bed, covered in blood. Xiaojun had just finished the phone call, and the hand holding the mobile phone was still covered with blood, and the other hand was tightly covering his abdomen. Xiaojun was still conscious at that time and said softly, "I stabbed myself with a knife."

  Xiaojun was immediately sent to Xuzhou Renci Hospital. The doctor in the hand surgery ward of the hospital said that the patient stabbed his neck, upper limbs, abdomen and buttocks with a fruit knife. The hospital immediately organized experts to perform surgery to repair blood vessels, nerves and tendons. After more than 5 hours of emergency rescue, the operation was successful.

  Experts told Zi Niu news reporter that the injured lost a lot of blood, but fortunately they were sent to the hospital in time, which did not cause serious consequences.

  Experience before the outbreak


  After graduating from technical school, he has changed nearly 10 jobs.

  Xiaojun’s family is very ordinary. He is the only child in the family, and his parents were both workers. His mother retired from the unit a few years ago to take care of the family full-time, and his father retired from the unit and looked for a job everywhere. In addition to retirement wages, father’s income from odd jobs has become the main source of income for the family. Although the family is not well-off, in Wang Li’s view, "at least I have never suffered from children."

  After graduating from a technical school in Xuzhou three years ago, Xiaojun tried nearly 10 jobs intermittently. Recently, he just quit his job as a tower crane on the construction site. Wang Li and her husband have never made financial demands on their children. They feel that their children are still young and it is not time to put pressure on them.

  "He doesn’t think about playing games every day instead of working hard," said Wang Li. Xiaojun worked in internal security for nearly a year and often worked overtime. When he came home, his children were too tired to turn on the computer. Wang Li thinks that when Xiaojun is resting at home, playing games to kill time is also a kind of rest.

  Wang Li said that Xiaojun is somewhat introverted, but very obedient. There is no obstacle to family communication at ordinary times, so she never understands how children can make "stupid things". The only reason she can think of is that "it’s all from playing games"!

  Wang Li doesn’t know that Xiaojun’s recent favorite game is called the glory of the king. She just thinks that Xiaojun has no idea to go out to work since he played this game.


  I lost a few games in the game and felt "particularly frustrated in my life"

  Like many peers, Xiaojun has been playing games for almost 10 years. Regarding the glory of the king, Xiaojun said that this game is not very good, but it is really "addictive".

  Xiaojun doesn’t think he did something stupid because he was addicted to playing games. "That impulse was actually an outbreak of long-term depression," Xiaojun told Zi Niu news reporter. He had just lost several games at the time of the incident, and suddenly felt that his life was meaningless: "I was particularly frustrated."

  The "frustration" in Xiaojun’s mouth probably began after graduating from a technical school three years ago. The school recommended him to a machinery factory. Xiaojun majored in mechatronics, but the job here is assembly. "What I have learned is completely useless." More than 20 students who joined this enterprise with Xiaojun soon left their jobs one after another. Xiaojun said that he could tolerate the low-paying and boring work, and it was the daily commuting time that prompted him to follow in the footsteps of his classmates. From home to the enterprise, Xiaojun has to take the bus for about 1 hour, and then transfer to the factory car. It takes 2 hours to get down. "I need to get up at 5 o’clock in the morning and get off work at 6 o’clock in the evening. I usually get home after 8 o’clock."

  The second job, recommended by the school, is a waiter in a catering enterprise in Xuzhou. Wang Li feels that this job has stimulated the child. "The unit leader found fault everywhere because the child’s hair was a little long at that time." She and her husband both supported Xiaojun’s resignation.


  I once had a fierce family dispute because I wanted to go out and make a break.

  The two jobs were not smooth, and the parents never blamed themselves. On the contrary, Xiaojun felt a little discouraged. Xiaojun said that his father was retiring from the unit at that time, and his family had certain economic pressure. He was eager to share it with his family earlier.

  After quitting his job as a waiter, Xiaojun tried to work in a car decoration shop. The main job every day is to wash the car for the guests. "It’s very tired and worthless." A few months later, he tried the position of tower crane on the construction site. This time, his parents asked him to quit the job. The mother felt that the child often worked at night and the lighting on the construction site was not good. "What if the child fell?"

  The longest job Xiaojun has done is the internal security work of security enterprises. After working for nearly a year, Xiaojun is even more depressed, his salary is not high, and he often works overtime. The most uncomfortable thing is that most of his colleagues are uncles in their 40 s and 50 s. "There is no common language at all, and I feel that I am wasting my life."

  Xiaojun had a fierce argument with his parents. He once proposed to go to a city with better economic conditions. Unexpectedly, his parents immediately objected. Xiaojun’s father said, "You haven’t even washed your clothes. Can you take care of yourself?" Mother Wang Li always said that she doesn’t need Xiaojun to earn much money, just live a stable life, so far away from home, how can parents take care of him?


  Although his parents don’t blame him, he feels "very useless"

  In the communication with Zi Niu journalists, Wang Li mentioned many times that real life is too harsh on children, and she doesn’t understand why society can’t provide children with a stable job. She once thought of turning to some institutions to provide some employment guidance and pre-job training for her children.

  Every time Xiaojun leaves his job, his parents never blame him, which makes Xiaojun feel "very useless". His way of venting his emotions is still online games. Xiaojun said that he actually has no "internet addiction", but he just thinks that what else can he do besides playing games? Since junior high school, he seems to have adapted to this life, and many of his classmates are like himself, spending their spare time in front of the computer. Xiaojun doesn’t have many friends in reality. On the contrary, he has met many people in the online game world, but apart from chatting about games, he and netizens rarely have other topics.

  When Xiaojun was engaged in internal security work, he alienated the game. Because he often worked overtime, he was very tired after returning home and lost the impulse to play games.

  Father likes to keep fit. During that time, Xiaojun followed his father to keep fit. Father and son often go to the gym together. After his father is busy with his work, Xiaojun insists on it, and his father often praises him for his "fruitful" practice. This hobby other than playing games failed to enrich Xiaojun’s life after all. All kinds of difficulties in work are still going on, and Xiaojun feels that he is getting more and more depressed until he has a heart-wrenching outbreak.

  Expert pulse-taking

  Find your own position

  Make up "career planning"

  Zhou Xianyang, deputy director of the Student Affairs Department of Jiangsu Normal University and director of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Service Center, believes that from Xiaojun’s employment experience, he has always been in a passive state of choosing a job and failed to find his own position. His various reasons for resignation seem more like avoiding.

  Zhou Xianyang suggested that Xiaojun might as well make a career plan first, find a correct position according to his own situation and stick to it. In fact, ordinary posts also need to learn and pay, but also need to try and practice. The initial stage is more about experience, and through our own efforts, we can develop step by step.

  Zhou Xianyang also suggested that Xiaojun’s parents should have confidence in their children and encourage them instead of "protecting" them blindly. In modern society, how many people don’t face pressure and challenges?

  Zhu Haimei, the first batch of professional psychological counselors in China and a senior psychological teacher in Xuzhou No.1 Middle School, believes that from Xiaojun’s experience and various actions, he has the characteristics of "hollow man" in psychology, and he is confused about his future and doesn’t know what he can do or want to do. She suggested that Xiaojun should first find the goal of life and make up the course of "career planning"; Secondly, Xiaojun has a certain lack of self-awareness ability. With the help of professionals in psychological counseling institutions, he can conduct "self-analysis" to understand what his inner desire is and whether it is in line with his own ability.

  Zhu Haimei also hopes that the parents of the children will boldly let go and let the children "take a trip."


  "I want to live a good life and work hard."

  After a few days in hospital, Xiaojun finally put down the game. He told Zi Niu news reporter that he fell down this time and he would get up again. "I won’t play games again." Xiaojun still hopes to find a job with a professional counterpart, but he also said that he had a problem with his mentality in the past and had too high expectations for himself. In the future, he will put down too many ideas and work as long as he is almost the same. He will not give up because of a little setback: "I want to live and work well."

  When Xiaojun said these words, Zi Niu news reporter noticed that Wang Li, whose mood had been calm, secretly wiped her tears behind her back.

  (The characters in the text are pseudonyms)

What you don’t know about the Asian Games: Who will make the rules of the e-sports competition? Can you enter the Olympics in the future?

  Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, September 11th Question: What you don’t know about the Asian Games: Who will make the rules of the e-sports competition? Can you enter the Olympics in the future?

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhao Jiantong and Ji Jiadong

  The pace of the Asian Games in Hangzhou is approaching, and the attention of sports fans to various events is gradually heating up. E-sports can be said to be one of the "top streams" of this Asian Games. According to the ticketing scheme, e-sports is not only the most expensive ticket in the final as high as 1000 yuan, but also the only event that requires lottery to buy tickets, so its popularity can be seen.

  So what are the events in the e-sports competition of Hangzhou Asian Games? Who will make the rules of each event? After the Asian Games, can e-sports join the Olympic family in the future?

  The e-sports competition of Hangzhou Asian Games was held from September 24th to October 2nd in Hangzhou E-sports Center, China, and produced 7 gold medals. According to official website of Hangzhou Asian Games, there are seven events in this e-sports competition, namely League of Legends, the glory of the king (Asian Games version), Peace Elite (Asian Games version), Knife Tower 2, Dream of Three Kingdoms 2, Street Fighter 5 and FIFA Online 4.

  In addition to Street Fighter 5, the China team will compete in the other six games. According to industry analysis, the glory of the king, Peace Elite, Dream of Three Kingdoms 2 and other projects will be the potential gold medals for China. Different from the performance events in the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta, the gold medal of this e-sports event will be included in the medal list.

  E-sports, as a new type of sports, its competition forms are different with different categories and platforms, and the corresponding schedule system and rules are also various. Fans who are concerned about e-sports will have questions. Compared with individual e-sports events with clubs as the unit, e-sports will become the official event of large-scale intercontinental comprehensive events for the first time. How can teams from different countries and regions in Asia be accommodated?

  It is reported that the e-sports events of the Hangzhou Asian Games will be decided by the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee and the Asian Electronic Sports Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "Asian Electronic Sports Federation") through consultation. During the whole preparation process, the copyright owners of the games kept communicating and integrating with the OCA, Asian Sports Federation, Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee and other institutions, and established a set of universal standardized standards applicable to e-sports events in the Asian Games.

  Among them, the setting that can be used for reference for the future "e-sports included in large-scale comprehensive events" is that the glory of the king and Peace Elite respectively launched the Asian Games version. It is understood that the Asian Games version of the glory of the king has bridged the differences between different versions of heroes at home and abroad, and the peaceful elite has also eliminated the relatively "violent and bloody" escape and shooting. In addition, the two games canceled many commercial settings and some extended gameplay, which also made the game more fair and concise.

  Judging from the feedback from all parties before the opening of the Asian Games, the formal combination of e-sports and the Asian Games is a win-win marriage for the e-sports industry and traditional sports competitions represented by the Asian Games.

  Hong Xiao, an expert in e-sports industry and CEO of Perfect World, said: "The entry of e-sports into Asia is a milestone event, which not only means that e-sports will further move towards sports, but also promote the popularization and standardized development of e-sports."

  In Asia, sports and popularization of e-sports have become a trend. In July this year, the General Assembly of the Olympic Council of Asia was held in Bangkok. It was announced at the meeting that e-sports would become the official event of the 2026 Aichi Nagoya Asian Games. The Asian Sports Federation also announced that it will hold the Asian Cup of Electronic Sports in 2024. In addition, the Pan-American Games held in Chile in October this year will also host the Pan-American E-sports Championship.

  In the future, can e-sports go further and become an official event of the Olympic Games?

  International Olympic Committee President Bach said at a press conference in 2020: "Will e-sports be considered for inclusion in the Olympic Games one day? The answer is yes. It depends on when this day comes. "

  This year, the International Olympic Committee frequently released the signal of "embracing" e-sports. In June, the first Olympic E-sports Week was held in Singapore, which was the first offline event named "Esports" under the International Olympic Committee. In September, the International Olympic Committee announced the establishment of a new e-sports committee, which also triggered many reverie of global sportsmen.

  In the discourse system of the International Olympic Committee, there is a strict distinction between Virtual Sports and electronic game competition in concept, and in terms of the prospect of entering the Olympic Games, the organization once said that the priority would be virtual sports, such as cycling and taekwondo, which require real physical exercise for participants.

  Although there have always been strict standards and procedures for the inclusion of new sports, the International Olympic Committee has maintained an open attitude towards the "young wave". From the perspective of skateboarding, break dancing and surfing, it may really be only a matter of time before e-sports enter the Olympics.

Football Today: las palmas vs Atletico Madrid Leicester City vs Leeds United.

Las palmas vs Atletico Madrid

Recent situation in las palmas:Las palmas has shown some defensive stability in recent games, and only conceded four goals in the past five rounds. The team’s offensive performance is not outstanding, and only nine goals have been scored in the past five rounds. In addition, Sandro Ramirez, Fabio Gonzalez and other players of the team may miss this round of competition due to injuries, which will have a certain impact on the strength of the team. This season, las palmas has made some achievements, but overall it is not ideal. The team scored 4 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses in 11 rounds, ranking 10th in the league. In the past 10 meetings, las palmas won only one game, and the team was at a psychological disadvantage. Las palmas has made some progress in defense, but there are some deficiencies in offensive ability.

Current situation of Atletico Madrid:Atletico Madrid has done well in defense, losing only six goals in the last five rounds. At the same time, they also have excellent performance on the offensive end, scoring a total of 12 goals in the past five rounds, averaging 2.4 goals per game. So far this season, they have achieved 8 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, and the team has performed well, ranking third in the league. In the last round, they won Alaves with a score of 2-1, and the team’s state remained good.

In terms of the team’s main scores, Gleizman and Morata are the team’s main scorers. However, players such as Victor vitolo, Depe and Mandava failed to play in this round because of their absence. Atletico Madrid has shown strong strength and stable defense in the league, and also has efficient offensive ability.

Atletico de Madrid

Leicester city vs Leeds United

Recent situation of Leicester city:Leicester City has shown extremely high quality on the defensive end. In the last five games, they only conceded two goals. In the league, Ishi Na Qiao has scored five goals, while kiernan, Dewsbury and Hall also scored five goals respectively, which are the main scoring points of the team. Leicester City has scored 13 wins and 1 loss this season, ranking first in the league.

In the latest round, they won the queens park Rangers 2-1, and scored six consecutive games. The team is in excellent condition. In addition to a good defensive performance, Leicester City’s offensive ability is also commendable. In the past five rounds, they have scored a total of 11 goals. To sum up, Leicester City has shown a very high level in both offensive and defensive ends, which also makes them far ahead in the league.

Leeds United’s recent situation:Leeds United conceded five goals in the last five rounds. In these five rounds, they scored a total of 10 goals, with an average of 2 goals per game. This season, they have achieved 7 wins, 4 draws and 3 losses. The team has performed well and is currently ranked third in the league. In the last round, they won Huddersfield with a score of 4-1, and the team’s state has picked up. Recently, however, their scoring ability has fallen behind, and they have only won two games in the past six games.

This game: Personally, I think Leicester City has great hope of winning this round of events.

China football goes out again.

Hello, I’m Lu Snake, and today I’m going to talk about football in China!

Speaking of China football, the most important thing recently is that the Football Association has a new head-Song Kai. As a football fan in China, I think this is at least a positive signal, because it shows that the football community in China is trying to improve its own problems and promote the development of football in some way.

Historically, the development of football in China has been plagued by various problems, including mismanagement and corruption. Therefore, changing the president of the Football Association can bring new ideas and directions for the development of football, help solve these problems and promote the healthy development of football in China.

After the new president takes office, he may take a series of measures to improve the football situation in China, including strengthening management, promoting professional development, strengthening the construction of youth training system and improving the quality of coaches and players. From the recent developments of the new head of the Football Association, we can also get a glimpse of it. Then, next, I will sort out the recent events that seem to me to be more important.

  1. Debut: "Take youth training as a top priority"

On November 22nd, the second leg of the U15 final in China Youth Championship was held in Weifang, Shandong Province. Football Association President Song Kai, Vice President Xu Jiren and Secretary-General Yuan Yongqing appeared together.

The newest Football Association’s leadership team, which made its first collective appearance, chose youth football matches, fully expressing its attention to youth football. In the words of Song Kai, "China Football Association should take youth training as a top priority." How can we improve the quality of youth training? Song Kai mentioned, first of all, "let the best coaches do youth training", "I have been doing the three big balls in Liaoning for a long time, so I can do some guidance from the policy and system, such as improving the treatment of echelon coaches. In the process of children’s growth, a more competitive competition system is established. "

  1. Meeting with AFC President, breaking ice in football foreign affairs.

Song Kai, President of China Football Association, who just arrived in Doha, Qatar, met with Salman, President of AFC, who was also attending the 2022 AFC Awards Ceremony. This is the first time that Song Kai has face-to-face communication with the president of the Asian Football Association as the president of the China Football Association, and it also marks the beginning of the new China Football Association to break the ice for football foreign affairs and take an important first step.

It is understood that during the meeting, Salman reiterated to Song Kai that the AFC will continue to cooperate with the China Football Association to support them in revitalizing football in China.

Subsequently, in its important position in official website, the AFC focused on the meeting between Song Kai and Salman with the title "AFC President praises the football development in China". The AFC quoted Salman as saying: "The AFC will unswervingly strive to make football the number one sport in the Asian continent. I believe that China Football Association can help China football to a higher level under the leadership of President Song Kai. We will also work together for this. " Salman also said: "What is exciting is that we see the determination of the new leadership of China Football Association to develop football and promote the progress of football in China. Football still has great development potential in China. "

  1. Study and open the foreign aid policy of the Super League to increase the appreciation of the league.

After Song Kai took office, in view of the situation of the Super League, he said that he would strive to create a professional league that people are satisfied with, and study the foreign aid policy of opening the league against the AFC. At present, the foreign aid policy of the Super League is 654, and his new policy is expected to be "51", that is, five non-nationals and one Asian foreign aid can play at the same time. The implementation of this policy will increase the internationalization and fierce competition of the league, attract more excellent players to China, improve the competitiveness of the league, and at the same time, improve the enjoyment and entertainment, so that fans can enjoy more exciting games.

Finally, I hope the new president can take effective measures to promote the healthy development of football in China, so that we fans can pay more attention to the future of football in China with pride.

If you have any expectations for China football or what do you think of the new head of the Football Association, you are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

Decryption: How to crush the diving splash into the water? There are seven important links.

  In the diving field, China team has the reputation of "Dream Team". A diving action completed in a few seconds, the average audience usually sees the effect of entering the water, that is, the size of the splash. In fact, splashing is also a high-precision technology. A reporter from Beijing Morning Post recently invited Yu Fen, head coach of Tsinghua diving team, to give a detailed answer to this technology.

  Hand shape

  There are slight differences between China and foreign countries.

  In the diving competition, watching the slow-motion replay will find that the athletes enter the water with their palms in contact with the water surface, not the fingertips as generally believed. A "technical post" circulating on the Internet explains that water spray belongs to the category of fluid mechanics, that is, the process of collision between solid and fluid. Entering the water with your fingertips is equivalent to forming a wedge, so when you fall into the pool, you will find a way out along the direction of least resistance because of the incompressibility of water, and the inclined plane of the wedge is this direction. However, when the object colliding with water has a certain cross section, the water mainly moves laterally, and it can’t be rushed up due to the pressure of the surrounding water, which is the reason why the palm spray is small.

  Yu Fen introduced that in the past 40 years, the technology of pressing the splash with the palm of your hand has been widely used in countries with relatively advanced diving. "We call it the palm-turning technology. The main point of action is to point your palm at the point where you want to enter the water at the moment of entering the water, and hold the other hand with one hand. " This is the hand type commonly used by athletes in China, while some foreign athletes will put their thumbs together, their fingers open and their hands crossed when entering the water, with their palms facing the water. In addition, there are two unusual hand types: one is that the five fingers are open, and the two hands are kept at a distance of about 10 cm; the other is that the two thumbs are clasped, the fingers are bent and the palms are facing the water.


  Splash suppression is not just about hands.

  Yu Fen told the Beijing Morning Post that the hand shape is only one of the details of the entry action, but it is not the only criterion to judge the entry effect, which determines that the entry action needs a series of essentials.

  "Simply put, the athlete’s body should enter the water perpendicular to the water surface. The specific requirements are that the arms should be close to the ears, and the head, shoulders and toes should be in a straight line. At the moment when the palm touches the water, the body should be in a straight line of 90 degrees with the water, and the waist should not be loose, and the buttocks should be clamped. Sometimes you can see athletes appear when they enter the water ‘ Passed ’ Or ‘ Not enough ’ Phenomenon, the water is very big, and the completion of the branch is very low. The reason for this phenomenon is not necessarily that the water entry technology is not done well, and problems often appear in the air. The specific reasons need to be analyzed in detail. "

  In fact, when entering the water from a 10-meter platform, the instantaneous speed reaches 15 meters per second. Because it is difficult to completely stop the rotation of the body in the air when entering the water, the palm needs to adjust its direction, not just parallel to the water. This is to avoid injury. Yu Fen introduced that on the basis of mastering the essentials, athletes also need to protect themselves through minor adjustments.


  Opening time affects the effect

  "As mentioned earlier, there is a problem with the water entry effect, and we can’t just find problems from this link. As the last link in diving, the technique of splashing can really attract the attention of ordinary audience, but it is difficult to make it clear simply by talking about this link, just as athletes can’t just practice splashing. When they are training, if there is a problem in one link, they will have to re-enter the springboard or platform, and all the processes will be repeated. "

  Yu Fen introduced that the whole process of diving is divided into seven links from the beginning of the athlete’s running platform or walking board to the end when the toes are completely below the water surface. "They are all interlocking. If one link is not done well, it will directly affect the back until it enters the water." Although when watching the diving competition, I sometimes hear the commentary mention that "the splash effect is ok, and it can be somewhat remedied", but judging an action, flaws and mistakes still cannot escape the eyes of the referee.

  "Every movement has to go through thousands of exercises before it can be polished to the best. Before pressing the spray, the forming time of the action is also very important, which is what we call ‘ Open the opportunity ’ If it is opened too early, the athletes will stay in the air for a long time and cannot concentrate their strength completely; If it is too late, there is no time to adjust your body to the best position angle. "

  give a mark

  The referee won’t just stare at the splash.

  Similarly, the referee’s score should also be based on the whole process of the diver’s completion of the action. "Not to say that in the end, the referee will give him points. (The splash is not pressed well) it does have an impact, but if the air attitude and the angle of entry are well done from the beginning of the take-off, this action can still be considered successful and the score can still be higher. "

  There is an important message in the scoring of diving rules: the judge will evaluate the score according to the athlete’s run-up (i.e., running board and platform), take-off, air and water entry, and also explain the integrity of the scoring process. Therefore, athletes should run smoothly during the competition, take off decisively and forcefully, take off at an appropriate angle and with a certain height; Beautiful posture in the air, tumbling and turning quickly; When a person dives, his body is perpendicular to the water surface, and the smaller the splash, the better. Yu Fen said: "In fact, from the moment an athlete appears, the referee begins to score his temperament, including every detail of the completion of the action. From the training, we require athletes to do every detail in order to conquer the referee in the official competition. "

  ■ knowledge post

  Introduction action "jumping popsicle"

  It’s hard to dance well.

  It is said that some people accidentally discovered in the "popsicle" diving that it is better to use the soles of their feet instead of stretching their toes, so they brought water impact’s splash pressing technology. And "popsicle" is just the enlightenment action of zero-based diving. You don’t need to stand upside down, just straighten up and jump into the water. This action is easy to say, and it takes time and energy to train it well. As Yu Fen, head coach of Tsinghua University Diving Team, said: Diving is a sport in which people exert their control over their bodies to the extreme.

  The correct posture of "popsicle" diving is: standing in front of the platform, arms open and body in a T-shape; At the moment of jumping out of the platform, your feet should be off the ground at the same time, your arms should be lifted up and your body should be y-shaped; When entering the water, the arm should draw an O-shape in the air, and finally put the arm close to the thigh and enter the water. The whole action is completed in a few seconds, and you also need to control your body. In the star diving programs in the previous two years, the zero-based stars were in a lot of situations when they completed this basic movement, and even appeared "slamming the door", that is, the body slammed into the water. If you don’t control your limbs properly, you are most likely to break the door panel, causing bruises and redness. Some experts have analyzed that if you fall into the water from a 10-meter platform, it is equivalent to falling vertically from a height of 1 meter on the plastic playground.

  At the same time, the stars participating in the program are all adults, and even tall models. The selection of materials for diving enlightenment training requires moderate height, small pelvis and light body. It was only after the full development that I began to contact diving, and the star diving program was really beyond my power.